Correlation between Care Impact and Functional Capacity of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease

  • Ana Paula Serra de Araújo
  • Raissa Carla Paulino Silva e Moreira
  • Renata Lu Slabcoushi
Keywords: Alzheimer's Disease, Functional Capacity, Caregiver.


The impact that low functional capacity of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) may cause to caregivers was evaluated. An interview questionnaire developed by the authors of the study and composed from the multidimensional functional state questionnaires and Zarit was employed. Results were analyzed and classified in percentages according to frequency. Burden and stress level experienced by 21 (100%) caregivers in the study is relatively low and most difficulties faced by these caregivers in the service of AD patients is the lack of assistance from the patients’ family, especially during bath time. Although the caregivers’ burden level is relatively low, their stress level is influenced by all the difficulties faced by AD patients to whom they provide care and by the caregiver-patient relationship which, during a long period of time, generates feelings of overburden and resentment that cause a great impact on the caregivers’ lives.

Author Biographies

Ana Paula Serra de Araújo
Fisioterapeuta, pela UNIPAR - Universidade Paranaense; Pos-graduada " latu senso" em Fisioterapia em Terapia Manual e Postural pelo CESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá; Especialista e Pós-graduada "Latu senso"em Acupuntura pelo IBRATE - Instituto Brasileiro de Therapias e Ensino.
Raissa Carla Paulino Silva e Moreira
Fisioterapeuta graduada na Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR; Pós-graduada em Gerontologia pelo Centro Universitário Positivo - UNICEMP. E-mail:
Renata Lu Slabcoushi
Fisioterapeuta graduada na Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR; Pós-graduada em Gerontologia pelo Centro Universitário Positivo - UNICEMP. E-mail:
Artigos Originais