Evaluation of the Biochemical Profile and Hematological Parameters in Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis

  • Luana Draczevski Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó – Unochapecó
  • Mário Lettieri Teixeira Instituto Federal Catarinense – IFC
Keywords: Anemia, Renal Insufficiency, Creatinine, Renal Dialysis.


Countless diseases, such as arterial hypertension and diabetes, may develop acute renal failure (ARF) or chronic renal failure (CRF). Current investigation evaluates the profile of biochemical and hematological markers of chronic renal patients undergoing haemodialysis. Blood samples from 20 patients were collected in a period of 30 days, or rather, a blood collection on the first day of treatment and other one after thirty days of treatment. Two blood collections were taken, before and after dialysis, on the first and on the thirtieth day of treatment. The analyzed biochemical parameters were creatinine and urea. The hematological parameters were obtained through the compilation of the results of the blood counts periodically undertaken by the clinic. The patients were asked to answer a questionnaire. Anemia was present in most patients since it is one of the most frequent manifestations in the patients with chronic renal failure. Different rates were obtained for pre-haemodialysis and post-haemodialysis analyses. The latter had lower rates for all analyzed parameters, meeting the main purpose of the haemodialysis.

Author Biographies

Luana Draczevski, Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó – Unochapecó
Discente do curso de Farmácia na Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó – Unochapecó. E-mail: luana.d2002@gmail.com
Mário Lettieri Teixeira, Instituto Federal Catarinense – IFC
Docente do Curso de Medicina Veterinária do Instituto Federal Catarinense – IFC - Campus Concórdia. E-mail: mario.lettieri@terra.com.br; mario.lettieri@ifc-concordia.edu.br
Artigos Originais