Relationship between BMI and Physical Activity in Adults with Different Social and Economical Levels

  • Hélcio Rossi Gonçalves Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR
  • Ligia Andréa Gonçalves Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR
  • Telma Aparecida Costa Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR
  • Maria Izabel Goulart Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR
Keywords: Physical Activity, Body Mass Index, Social Class.


The association between BMI, physical activity level and socioeconomic level is investigated. Research was undertaken between March and June 2008 in Umuarama PR Brazil, with 231 people (85 males and 136 females), mean age 55 years old. Anthropometric data were collected (weight, height and body mass index - BMI) and the level of physical activity was determined through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Economic classification was determined by the ANEP model. Results show low levels of physical activity among males and females with regard to the relationship between socioeconomic levels, physical activity and BMI. All highly active individuals of both sexes had the ideal weight, whereas sedentary and irregularly active individuals were mostly overweight. Highest percentages of overweight people of both sexes were found in the sedentary group, especially among women. With regard to the relationship between socioeconomic conditions and physical activity, sedentary behavior was lowest in class E and highest in class C for both sexes.

Author Biographies

Hélcio Rossi Gonçalves, Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR
Docente Doutor do Curso de Educação Física na Universidade Paranaense - Unipar – Umuarama. E-mail: hé
Ligia Andréa Gonçalves, Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR
Docente Doutora do Curso de Educação Física na Universidade Paranaense - Unipar – Umuarama. E-mail:
Telma Aparecida Costa, Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR
Docente Doutora do Curso de Educação Física na Universidade Paranaense - Unipar – Umuarama. E-mail:
Maria Izabel Goulart, Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR
Discente do Curso de Educação Física e Bolsista PIBIC na Universidade Paranaense - Unipar - Umuarama. E-mail:
Artigos Originais