Analysis of Motor Performance in Premature Children Compared to Normal Ones

  • Bárbara Munhoz Lopes Faculdade de Apucarana - FAP
  • Hébila Fontana Duarte Faculdade de Apucarana - FAP
Keywords: Premature Children, Caregiver, Disability


New technologies have increased survival rates of premature infants without reducing deficits in motor, sensory and learning difficulties. Current study evaluates the motor performance of premature infants by the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) and compares it to normal standards. PEDI is a questionnaire which registers the functional profile of children between 6 months and 7½ years old. Six premature infants, within the 3 - 6 years bracket, who had already been treated at the Clinic-School of Physical Therapy / Nutrition FAP "Dr. Sonia Gusman" from the 1st August 2005 to 30th May 2007, participated in current investigation. The study was conducted in the same Clinic-School in July 2010 and the children’s parents were invited to answer the questionnaire. Since development is the result of an interaction between child and environment and each influences and is influenced by the responses of the others, an evaluation of the motor performance of the children was provided and showed consistency with normal patterns.

Author Biographies

Bárbara Munhoz Lopes, Faculdade de Apucarana - FAP
Discente do curso de Fisioterapia da Faculdade de Apucarana – FAP. E-mail:
Hébila Fontana Duarte, Faculdade de Apucarana - FAP
Docente do curso de Fisioterapia da Faculdade de Apucarana – FAP. E-mail:
Artigos Originais