Physiological Relationships between Sleep and Appetite-Regulating Hormone Release

  • Giovana Andreia Gibbert Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Márcia Nascimento Brito Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Keywords: Leptin, Ghrelin, Sleep, Appetite.


Sleep time decrease, caused by the demands and opportunities of modern society, has currently become a common habit. A relationship between sleep and food intake has been postulated by current literature. This fact is widely demonstrated in animal models that become hyperphagic after sleep deprivation. Shift work and time zones changes which normally affect the usual sleep pattern in humans are also associated with changes in food intake. Recent epidemiologic studies relate short duration of sleep time with increase in body mass index, due to the physiological changes in the release of the appetite-regulating hormones ghrelin and leptin. Current essay discusses the relationship between appetite regulating hormones and the increase in body mass index on sleep-deprived subjects.

Author Biographies

Giovana Andreia Gibbert, Universidade do Estado do Pará
Docente do Departamento de Morfologia e Ciências Fisiológicas da Universidade do Estado do Pará - UEPA. E-mail:
Márcia Nascimento Brito, Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Docente do Departamento de Ciências Fisiológicas da Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM. E-mail:
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