Acceptance of Medications in non-Transmissible Diseases

  • Janete Lane Amadei Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
  • Sonia Silva Marcon Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM
  • Dennis Armando Bertolini Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM
Keywords: Medication Adherence, Use of Medicines, Patients’ Cooperation, Rejection of Treatment, Health Assistance.


Current research reviews the literature on adherence to drug treatments in non-transmissible diseases. Review of the literature was based on scientific articles from the database of the Scientific Electronic Library Online, SciELO, covering the period between 22nd September 2005 and 22nd September 2010, by feeding the keywords "adherence," "adherence to drug treatment”, "adherence" and "adherence to treatment." Twenty-eight articles were retrieved, twelve of which were excluded because they did not fit the theme. Key findings were organized into four categories, namely, bibliographical reviews; studies on caregivers, relatives and patients’ medical records; studies on people with diabetes and hypertension; studies involving patients with other non-transmissible chronic diseases. In the above mentioned studies, the factors that determine non-adherence to drug treatment by people with chronic diseases comprise type of proposed treatment, personal traits and quality of care by the health service concerned.

Author Biographies

Janete Lane Amadei, Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Docente do Curso de Farmácia e Bioquimica
Sonia Silva Marcon, Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM
Docente Doutora no Departamento de Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM. E-mail:
Dennis Armando Bertolini, Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM
Docente Doutor no Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Biomedicina na Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM. E-mail:
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