• Carolina Penteado Silva Universidade de Franca - UNIFRAN
  • Cléria M. L. Bittar Universidade de Franca - UNIFRAN
Keywords: Health promotion, Children’s obesity, Healthy towns, Vulnerability.


Obesity is defined as excessive accumulation of body fat caused by a chronic imbalance between ingested and spent energy. The imbalance implies several factors related to life style (diet and physical exercises) and neuro-endocrine changes, with hereditary factors. Concern on children’s obesity is high due to the increasing risk in its permanence during adulthood and to the risk of related diseases. Biological and environmental factors affect the onset of overweight and children’s obesity which confirms its multi-factor characteristics. Children’s obesity attains great health significance and its occurrence in Brazilian populations’ health is mainly due to the impact on children’s life, with physical, social, economical and psychological consequences. An increase in the prevalence of obesity worldwide during the last decades seems to indicate a predisposition or genetic susceptibility for obesity on which environmental factors related to life style, mainly feeding habits and physical activities, are involved. Obesity is not merely a scientific and public health concern. It constitutes an important industry that involves the development of drugs, modified food and governmental strategies which stimulate the regular practice of physical activities and food reorientation for better habits. Current review of the literature emphasizes the environmental aspects in children’s obesity as an important item in public health.

Author Biographies

Carolina Penteado Silva, Universidade de Franca - UNIFRAN
Nutricionista; Mestre em Promoção de Saúde pela Universidade de Franca -UNIFRAN; E-mail: canutricao@hotmail.com
Cléria M. L. Bittar, Universidade de Franca - UNIFRAN
Pocente do Programa de Mestrado em Promoção de Saúde e do curso de Psicologia da Universidade de Franca, SP.
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