Body Dissatisfaction And Eating Behavior In Fitness Academy Members

  • Juciane Tonon Chinarelli CESUMAR- Centro Universitário de Maringá
  • Angela Andréia França Gravena CESUMAR- Centro Universitário de Maringá
Keywords: nervous anorexia, body image, motor activity.


Inadequate diet and physical exercises are being practiced by males and females with body image distortions. Current analysis identified the prevalence of body dissatisfaction and nervous anorexia symptoms among fitness academy members. A transversal study was performed with 100 adults within the 20-59 age bracket, of both genders, who practiced physical activities in a fitness academy in Maringá PR Brazil. Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and EAT 26 were used to investigate the presence of body image distortion and nervous anorexia symptoms respectively. Body Mass Index (BMI) classified nutritional conditions. Body image distortion was identified in 28.0% of the interviewed people and nervous anorexia in 7.0%. Females had a significantly higher prevalence rate in body dissatisfaction and anorexic symptoms, whilst 21.4% of adults with anorexic symptoms had a significant body image distortion. Results showed low prevalence of body dissatisfaction and nervous anorexia even though there was a significant association between body distortion and anorexia symptoms.

Author Biographies

Juciane Tonon Chinarelli, CESUMAR- Centro Universitário de Maringá
Nutricionista graduada pelo curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR, Maringá/PR; E-mail:
Angela Andréia França Gravena, CESUMAR- Centro Universitário de Maringá
Mutrição Clínica
Artigos Originais