Interdisciplinary Formation in Physical Education: Policies for Health Promotion and Life Quality


  • Gumercindo Vieira dos Santos Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


Brazilian Policy for Health Promotion, Professional Formation in Health, Interdisciplinary Formation in Physical Education


Current article analyzes the relationship between the guidelines of the Brazilian Policy for Health Promotion (PNPS) and the need for an interdisciplinary approach in the formation of health professionals to warrant the implantation of the policy. A systematic review was undertaken on several legal sources, articles and references to Health Promotion. All public policy is an intervention on social conditions to assure citizens´ rights. The need to prepare the exercise of a new role in the population by transforming health attention activities and the processes of the system´s administration is underscored. The interdisciplinary approach in the formation of Physical Education may enhance its qualified participation in the processes of Education for Health and Life Quality in the promotion and management of inter-sectorial activities which are the basis of all public policy for total health.


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Author Biography

Gumercindo Vieira dos Santos, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Doutor em Educação pela Universidad de La Empresa, Montevidéo / Uruguai. Mestre em Engenharia de Produção com ênfase em Gestão de Negócios pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC em 2003. Possui especialização em Educação Psicomotora pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Unir em Rondônia em 1986; concluiu Licenciatura Plena em Educação Física pela Faculdade de Educação Física do Norte do Paraná, atual Unopar em 1979. Atual coordenador do Programa de Ginástica Laboral do sistema UTFPR do Paraná, professor lotado no Departamento de Educação Física, chefe do Departamento de Extensão, Câmpus Curitiba da UTFPR.



How to Cite

Santos, G. V. dos. (2015). Interdisciplinary Formation in Physical Education: Policies for Health Promotion and Life Quality. Saúde E Pesquisa, 8, 123–138. Retrieved from