Coconut Water: Nutritional, Microbiological and Conservation Aspects

  • Ângela Froehlich Instituto Federal de Alagoas
Keywords: Coconut Water, Conservation, Contamination.


Important aspects on coconut water, such as, chemical composition, nutritional and microbiological aspects and conservation process are provided. When coconut water is processed and commercialized as a beverage, processes are applied to the product to guarantee microbiological stability, increased shelf life and food safety. Several methods may be used to extract, conserve and package coconut water. Thermal treatment at mild and high temperatures, refrigeration or freezing may be employed. The water within the coconut is sterile; however, if the utensils used to open the coconut are not in perfect hygiene conditions, microorganisms may contaminate the contents. Due to the product´s features, contaminants and increase in the intake of coconut water, the product´s industrialization and commercialization should be monitored.

Author Biography

Ângela Froehlich, Instituto Federal de Alagoas
Professora de Microbiologia do Curso de Tecnologia em Laticínios. Doutorado em Ciência dos Alimentos na Faculdade Farmacêuticas da USP
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