Therapeutic Community, DrugDependent, Public HealthAbstract
One of the main problems in public health is the use of illicit drugs. Several services are an aid in the treatment of illicit drugdependent people among which may be mentioned the therapeutic communities. They are non-governmental organizations which function together with the Basic Health Care and with Centers for Psychosocial Care (SAPS). Current analysis deals with the relationship between therapeutic communities and Health Services available at the National Health Service (SUS). Forty-three communities were researched in the municipality of Goiânia GO Brazil, the metropolitan region and the city of Anápolis GO Brazil. Field work was undertaken with a questionnaire. All communities visited use SUS services, but there is no relationship between the communities and CAPS. Communities have the right and the duty to provide resident people access to SUS, which is warranted by law. As a service institution for the treatment and social reinsertion of illicit drug users, CAPS is an important institution for communities in their aid for the drug user. The relationship between health service and communities is primarily for drug dependent people. However, greater interlocution must exist between the communities and CAPS for the integral rehabilitation of residents.Downloads
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How to Cite
Coutinho e Silva, I. F., Souza, K. da S., Batista, S. H. R., & Almeida, R. J. de. (2015). HEALTH SERVICES AND THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES: IS THERE A RELATIONSHIP FOR THE DRUGDEPENDENT PATIENT?. Saúde E Pesquisa, 8(3), 533–540.
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