ergonOmic AND POSTURE aNALYSIS OF cYtologists OF A HOSPITAL IN fortaleza, BRAZIL

  • Thiago Brasileiro de Vasconcelos Universidade Federal do Ceará. Fortaleza/CE, Brasil.
  • Ana Richelly Nunes Rocha Cardoso Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio. Universidade Federal do Ceará. Fortaleza/CE, Brasil.
  • Flávia Ravany Carneiro Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará. Fortaleza/CE, Brasil.
  • Marklana da Frota Diniz Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará. Fortaleza/CE, Brasil.
  • Cláudia Maria Montenegro Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará. Fortaleza/CE, Brasil.
  • Andréa da Nóbrega Cirino Nogueira Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará. Fortaleza/CE, Brasil.
  • Vasco Pinheiro Diógenes Bastos Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará. Fortaleza/CE, Brasil.
Keywords: Ergonomy, Posture, Modalities of Physiotherapy.


Current study analyzes the ergonomic and posture aspects of cytologists, ergonomic conditions in their work milieu and the factors that cause or worsen lesions by repeated activities. The descriptive, observational and transversal analysis features strategies for the quantitative investigation of results in a hospital in Fortaleza CE Brazil. Data were collected between February and May 2013 by applying a structured questionnaire on ergonomic and biomechanical items, coupled to the evaluation of the ergonomic and biomechanical condition of the labor milieu and the posture of the cytologists concerned. Fifteen cytologists, 87% (n = 13) females and 13% (n = 2) males, were analyzed, with average labor period of 27.2 ± 1.89 years and labor period as cytologists of 18.73 ± 1.77 years. In the ergonomic and biomechanical assessment, all cytologists (n = 15) practiced repetitions during their work session and employed forced positions. Sample showed mild ergonomic and biomechanical conditions and demonstrated the need of change in the milieu to improve life quality, productivity and posture, adopt programed pause and adhesion to the program for Work Kinesiotherapy.
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