The Relationships Between the High IMC and Blood Pressure of São Jorge do Ivai 1st to 4 st Degree’s Pupils


  • Sandra Mara Cardoso Bosquê
  • Joaquim Martins Junior Cesumar


Obesidade, Crianças, Hipertensão, Obesity, Children, Blood Pressure.


The beginning of the obesity is quite common among the children, motivated by factors multifatoriais. The obesity raises in the individual the possibility to develop chronic diseases-degenerative, fact that has been worrying the authorities of the area of the health, and the school ones. In this perspective the objective of this work was it of verifying children from six to eleven years registered in groups of 1st to 4th series, of the fundamental teaching of São Jorge of Ivaí - Pr would present risk of they have weight excess and if these also , would present high blood pressure. The instruments of measures used were: a scale, a measuring tape and an esfigmomanômetro, NIS (Integrated Nucleus of Health), of the municipal district. For obtaining of the results, it was collected the students’ data (I weigh, height, age, sex and blood pressure), for agents of health of the Municipal district, and With base in the obtained data, it could be certain that there is children’s incidence with risk of they have weight excess and children with weight excess in the analyzed population, and among these, 61,2% also presented high blood pressure.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Mara Cardoso Bosquê

Docente Especialista da Rede Estadual de Ensino de São Jorge do Ivaí, Estado do Paraná.

Joaquim Martins Junior, Cesumar

Docente Dr. do Curso de Educação Física do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR.



How to Cite

Bosquê, S. M. C., & Martins Junior, J. (2008). The Relationships Between the High IMC and Blood Pressure of São Jorge do Ivai 1st to 4 st Degree’s Pupils. Saúde E Pesquisa, 1(1), 51–58. Retrieved from



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