Fibromialgy and Exercise

  • Roberta do Amaral Bredariol
  • Célia Regina de Godoy Gomes UEM


The fibromialgy syndrome is a skeleton-muscle condition, characterized by a chronic sharp general pain and also tender poits. The epidemic data demonstrate a higher prevailing in female Sex, mainly between the fourth and fifth decade of life. Nowadays, the pathologyphisycal model which is more accepted for the explanation of the fibromialgy involves the imbalance between the pain perception and the module mechanisms of this, possibly showing a change on the serothonyn metabolism. Related to the treatament, several sort of exercises are being studied in order to improve the quality of life of people who present this syndrome. The purpose of this paper is to show, through bibliographic studies the regular exercise as one of the ways of treatament which is being studied and used in patients who present fibromialgy.

Author Biographies

Roberta do Amaral Bredariol
Educadora Física – Maringá-Pr.
Célia Regina de Godoy Gomes, UEM
Docente de Anatomia Humana do Departamento de Ciências Morfofisiológicas da Universidade Estadual de Maringá UEM.
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