Isostretching Method in Mastectomized Patients: Case Report

  • Alessandra Benatti Burkle CESUMAR
  • Fabiana Orita Shiraishi Cesumar
  • Fernanda Naomi Yabiku Cesumar


Breast cancer is one of the commonest neoplasm diseases in females. The type of mastectomy, ranging from tumorectomy, to quadrandectomy, simple or total mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy and radical mastectomy, depends on the patient’s clinical conditions. Current research analyzes the isostretching method in mastectomized patients and evaluates lung functioning, expansion capacity of thorax, amplitude of the homolateral shoulder movement after surgery and quality of life. Procedures were undertaken at the Physiotherapy Clinic of the University Center of Maringá, Maringá PR Brazil. Since mastectomy may cause complications with a decrease in life quality, current research contributes towards a deepening of the literature on the health of mastectomized patients. All patients underwent twelve sessions in isostretching with positive results in all items evaluated: lung function, expansion of thorax, amplitude of the homolateral shoulder movement after surgery and quality of life. Results show that isostretching was efficient in mastectomized patients with special emphasis on the complications from surgery.

Author Biographies

Alessandra Benatti Burkle, CESUMAR
Mestranda em Fisiologia do Exercício pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp; Fisioterapeuta pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL; Docente do Departamento de Fisioterapia do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR. E-mail:
Fabiana Orita Shiraishi, Cesumar
Fisioterapeuta do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR. E-mail:
Fernanda Naomi Yabiku, Cesumar
Fisioterapeuta do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR. E-mail:
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