Cardiovascular and anthropometric analysis of intervention with technological support in hypertensives: a randomized clinical trial

Keywords: Blood pressure, Cell phones, Exercises, Hypertension, Nutritional recommendations


This study compared the effect of interventions with different technological stimuli on cardiovascular and anthropometric variables of hypertensives. 23 hypertensive adults were randomized into three groups: standard intervention group – with no follow-up; telephone group – with follow-up by phone calls; application group – with follow-up by WhatsApp messages. The variables were evaluated before and after a period of 12 weeks. There was no significant difference between the groups with and without professional follow-up, and the same applied to the types of follow-up with different technological stimuli. However, there was a significant reduction of systolic blood pressure (p = 0,040), heart rate (p = 0,010) and waist circumference (p = 0,039) of the hypertensives from the standard intervention group, as well as a behavior change effect. The intervention had influence on the volunteers’ behavior change. They became more physically active and improved their eating habits. Yet, there was no difference in the cardiovascular and anthropometric responses among the groups.

Author Biographies

Layane Costa Saraiva, Instituto Federal do Piauí - IFPI
Mestre em Educação Física - UNIVASF. Docente de Educação Física do Instituto Federal do Piauí (IFPI), Parnaíba (PI), Brasil.
Jorge Luiz de Brito Gomes, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF
Doutor em Educação Física. Docente do colegiado de Educação Física na Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF), Petrolina (PE), Brasil.
Izabelle Silva de Araujo, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF
Mestre em Ciências da Saúde e Biológicas UNIVASF. Nutricionista do Hospital Universitário (UNIVASF), Petrolina (PE), Brasil.
Geovani Alves dos Santos, Faculdade Uninassau
Mestre em Educação Física - UNIVASF. Docente de Educação Física da Faculdade Uninassau, Petrolina (PE), Brasil.
Alisson Amorim Siqueira, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF
Mestre em Engenharia Agrícola - UNIVASF. Analista de Sistemas da Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF), Petrolina (PE), Brasil.
José Fernando Vila Nova de Moraes, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF
Doutor em Educação Física. Docente do colegiado de Educação Física na Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina (PE), Brasil.
Ferdinando Oliveira Carvalho, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF
Doutor em Educação Física. Docente do colegiado de Educação Física na Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina (PE), Brasil.


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