Nutritional Status and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease in Women Old Residents in Institution Asilar

  • Flávia Regina Moleiro Cesumar
  • Rose Mari Bennemann Cesumar


The increase in life expectancy led increase in the number of elderly in the population. Brazil is going through a process of ageing fast and intense. The evolution of Brazilian geriatric population grow 3.22 times by the year 2025, the number of people above 65 years will increase 8.9 times and above 80 years, 15.6 times. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status and risk for cardiovascular disease in older women living in two institutions asilares. The nutritional status and risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) were determined by anthropometry. Study participants were aged 26. The assessment of nutritional status showed prevalence of appropriate weight in 42.3% of the elderly, when evaluated by the arm circumference (AC) and 84.6% of the elderly, when evaluated by the skin fold triceps. Excess weight and obesity was found in 26.9% and 34.6% of the elderly, respectively, when measured by body mass index (BMI). On the circumference muscular arms (CMA) and the muscular area of the arm (MA), 88.5% had adequate muscle mass when measured by CMA and 84.6% had adequate muscle mass, as assessed by MA, indicating low nutritional risk. Similarly the majority (69.2%) of the elderly showed risk for cardiovascular diseases. The results portray the need for monitoring these individuals.

Author Biographies

Flávia Regina Moleiro, Cesumar
Acadêmica do curso de Nutrição Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR. E-mail:
Rose Mari Bennemann, Cesumar
Mestre em Saúde Pública pela USP; Docente do curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR. E-mail:
Artigos Originais