Use of Functional Electrical Orthesis in the Treatment of Vascular Brain Injury

  • Siméia Gaspar Palácio Cesumar
  • Tatiana Chagas de Freitas Cesumar


Effects of Functional Electrical Orthesis in gait, life quality, spasticity, amplitude of movement and muscular strength of dorsiflexors in a hemiparetic patient were evaluated. One patient with vascular brain injury underwent physiotherapeutic evaluation comprising analysis of gait, active and passive goniometry of ankle dorsiflexion, evaluation of spasticity, muscular power and the application of a questionnaire on life quality SF-36. Patient was counseled to use daily the orthesis at home, during three consecutive months, and to attend the Physiotherapy Clinic of Cesumar three times a week for gait appraisal under the supervision of researchers. At the end of treatment the patient underwent the same evaluating procedures so that results could be verified. Slight improvement in all aspects was reported. Further research with more patients should be undertaken for the validation of orthesis in the rehabilitation of hemiparetic patients.

Author Biographies

Siméia Gaspar Palácio, Cesumar
Docente Mestre do Departamento de Fisioterapia do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR. E-mail:
Tatiana Chagas de Freitas, Cesumar
Fisioterapeuta graduada pelo Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR. E- mail:
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