Continuous Subcutaneous Administration of Codeine on Cancer Pain Treatment

  • Janete Lane Amadei Cesumar
  • Raquel Fernanda Regailo
  • Alvo Orlando Vizzoto Junior Associação Bom Samaritano em Maringá-PR


This study was carried out to evaluate the possibility of using subcutaneous routes for the administration of codeine continuous infusion while approaching the pain in hospitalized cancer patients. It was developed through comparative evaluation of intravenous and subcutaneous administration of codeine using metallic catheter, addressing efficiency and appropriateness of the route of administration, acceptance of patients and incidence of local complications, decrease of pain with better conditions for the patient. We conclude that the subcutaneous is feasible for outpatients. For patients admitted with severe pain, the intravenously is more effective, presenting quicker decrease in pain, faster therapeutic response, minor complications with lower demand for nursing care concerning curative and puncture.

Author Biographies

Janete Lane Amadei, Cesumar
Docente do Curso de Farmácia e Bioquimica do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR; Farmacêutica. E-mail:
Raquel Fernanda Regailo
Farmacêutica. E-mail:
Alvo Orlando Vizzoto Junior, Associação Bom Samaritano em Maringá-PR
Medico oncologista da Associação Bom Samaritano em Maringá-PR. E-mail:
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