Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
The scientific journal Iniciação Científica Cesumar publishes original articles which are not being submitted simultaneously to the Editorial Board of other journals.Authors should declare the above condition in the letter of submission. If the publication or simultaneous submission in another journal is detected, the paper will be discarded. It is a serious ethical fault on the part of the author to submit a paper for appreciation in several journals simultaneously.
The Editorial Board is authorized to make certain changes in the original text to comply with bibliographical norms, orthography and grammar, so that standards in language and style may be maintained. However, the author´s style will be preserved. Changes, correction or suggestions in concepts shall be forwarded to the authors, when required. The concepts developed by the authors are their exclusive concern and responsibility.
1.1 Rates
The scientific journal Iniciação Científica Cesumar, published by the Universidade Cesumar - UNICESUMAR, does not charge any fee for publications, submissions, evaluation or reviewing of papers.
1.2 Language
The journal accepts papers in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and should fit within one of the different sections described in Item 2;
Papers should be appreciated by revisers or translators indicated by the journal Iniciação Científica Cesumar, listed in Item 7.
*NOTE*: The Editorial Board insists that authors should seek professional linguistic assistance (revisers in Portuguese and/or translators in English and Spanish) prior to sending their articles. In fact, they may have spelling, morphological, syntactic, idiomatic and stylistic inadequacies. Articles should not contain first person sentences (‘my/our study’). Scientific discourse is impersonal, without any judgment values.
1.3 Authors
Article may be authored by six authors, at the most, and must fit into one of the several sections of the journal, described in Item 2
1.4 The evaluation process
Evaluation process will start when the article complies with the Printing Norms and Conditions for Submission. Otherwise, it will be returned to authors for corrections and modifications.
2.1 Original articles publish research results and allow the reproduction of results within the same conditions. In the case of original papers, the traditional structure may be followed, or rather, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion; Conclusion. The section Acknowledgements is optional.
2.2 Review articles analyze and discuss articles/books by other authors.
2.3 Reports of Cases and Techniques forward professional experience based on case studies and/or new techniques employed.
3.1 Step 1: selection of papers according to editorial criteria. The Editorial Board is responsible for this stage.
3.2 Step 2: Papers are evaluated by two peers from the research´s area of knowledge, hailing from national or foreign higher institutions, renowned for their scientific output.
After due corrections and suggestions are undertaken, the paper will be accepted if reviews by peers and the Editorial Board are positive:
a) Accepted;
b) Accepted with modifications;
c) Not accepted.
3.3 Editorial Decision: Accepted papers, complying with 3.2, will be published in the first next issue of the journal, according to space available.
3.4 The journal is not bound to publish articles according to the chronological order of in-coming texts, but according to the acceptance stages above.
3.5 The Editorial Board may not return the original text.
Norms prepared by the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT) are employed:
NBR 10520/2002 – Citation in documents - Presentation;
NBR 6024/2012 – Progressive numbering of sections in a document;
NBR 6023/2018 – References - Elaboration; NBR 6028/2003 – Abstracts;
NBR 6022/2018 – Article in a scientific journal – print - Presentation;
Norms for the presentation of Tables IBGE, 1993 see here for tables and plates.
Paper: A4 (size 21 cm X 29.70 cm);
Margin: Upper and Left margin: 3 cm; Lower and Right margin: 2 cm;
Paragraph: aligned with 1.5 cm indent on the first line;
Spacing: lines with 1.5 cm spacing throughout the paper, with the exception of abstracts, references, citations, reports, tables and plates, all with simple spacing;
Fonts: Arial, size 12 in the text, excepting citations with more than three lines which should feature Font size 10;
Number of pages: Articles may have a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 20 pages.
Order of topics:
4.2.1 Title should be clear and concise. It must reflect the gist of the article, with the following features: capital and bold letters; centralized; size 14; 100 characters or 14 words; in Portuguese and English.
4.2.2 Authorship to guarantee anonymity of authors and strict blind evaluation, all information on authorship or any indication that may identify them should not appear in the article.
Information on authors should be provided on submission of the article, following Step 3 – Inclusion of Metadata – Include author).
The author, responsible for the article, should fill in the other authors´ data, featuring full name, e-mail address, institution, and a short biography with last academic title, course, department, affiliation.
*Note*: Criteria for Authorship in Item 5;
4.2.3 Abstract: After the title, the term ABSTRACT, size 12, bold, aligned to the left, semi-colon and contents within a 15-line paragraph, with 250 words, without indenting on the first line, simple spacing, aligned, without any citation.
4.2.4 Keywords: After the abstract, the term Keywords follows, size 12, bold, aligned to the left, followed by at least three words and a maximum of five words. Keywords identify the area of knowledge of the article and synthesize its theme.
4.2.5 Abstract and keywords in English and Portuguese should have the same format.
4.2.6 Text: INTRODUCTION; 2 METHODOLOGY; 3 RESULTS; 4 DISCUSSION; CONCLUSION; 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (Optional). Text should be written in font size 12. Spacing between lines should be 1,5, aligned, with 1.5 cm indent on the first line. If the text contains foreign words, they should be written in italics. Examples: workaholic, gestalt, copenhagener zimtzöts;
4.2.7 References: Bibliographical references should follow norm NBR 6023/2018 of ABNT and listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article. They should be updated preferentially by the most relevant publications within the last 5 years (at least for 50%). Only references within the text may be provided.
4.2.8 Titles of Sections: Numbering should be progressive, following NBR 6024/2012, aligned at the left margin, without full stop, hyphen, colon or any other diacritic mark after the title of the section or title, following NBR 6024/2012. Example of section/title formatting:
TERTIARY SECTION: in bold and only the first letter of the words in capital letters.
4.2.9 Citations: Long citations (over three lines) should be written without any quote marks, size 10, with a 4 cm indent on the left margin, without italics and 1 cm spacing between lines. Short citations (up to 3 lines) should be inserted within the text, with double quote marks, without any italics or bold types and without any changes in font size. In both cases, author, year and page should be provided (NBR 10520/2002).
4.2.10 Illustrations should be forwarded in a separate file and annexed to the system as Supplementary Documents in Item 2 Transference of manuscript. Files should be in *.TIF, mode CMYK for color pictures, and mode Grayscale (gray tones) for B&W, with resolution 300dpi;
Illustrations help and complement the ideas in the text. A set of seven items (figures, tables, graphs and plates) is accepted for each article.
Author´s rights for articles published in the journal are guaranteed, with right of the journal on the concession declaration sent by the authors for the first publication. The authors may use the same results in other publications, indicating the journal Iniciação Científica Cesumar as the original publication. Since it is an open journal, free use of the articles is allowed, especially in educational and scientific publications. Citation of source is mandatory.
The scientific jornal Iniciação Científica Cesumar follows authorship criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Consequently, only researchers who actually collaborated in the intellectual contents of the manuscript are considered authors. The three main criteria by which authors are responsible for the research´s contents are:
- Conception and planning of activities that triggered the research or interpreted results, or both;
- Writing of the text or revising successive versions or taking part in the process of revision;
- Approving the final version.
The authors are responsibility for the theme in the manuscripts submitted to the journal Iniciação Científica Cesumar. Although information is considered original when published, the editor and the Editorial Board may not have any legal responsibility for mistakes or omissions eventually detected.
5.1 Guidelines for Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interests exist when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that, apparently or not, may affect the elaboration or the evaluation of the manuscript. Conflict of Interest may be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial.
Public reliability in peer reviewing process and the credibility of published articles depend on the manner conflicts of interest are managed during writing, peer reviewing and decision taking by the editors.
It is mandatory that the authors declare the existence or not of conflict of interest. Even though there is no conflict of interest, the authors should state this information in the Supplementary Documents on submission of the article in Item 2 Transference of Manuscript, and transfer Form of the Declaration of Conflict of Interest, signed by all the authors to legitimize the standing of results of the research under analysis.
FORM – Declaration of Conflict of Interest
I, _____________________, the author responsible for current manuscript “____________________________”, declare that no one of the authors of present research has any type of conflict of interest described below or others that may be denominated as such. I declare that the manuscript did not receive any funding from industries or other commercial sources. I also declare that the authors and I have no first-degree relatives with financial or other interests in the theme contained in the manuscript. Otherwise, I will specify any association that may represent any conflict of interest that I and/or the other authors or first-degree relatives may have had, within the last five years, with private enterprises and/or organizations, even though without any financial aims, - for example, participation in inventions/development of software, devices, treatment or laboratorial techniques, equipments, technologies; participation and activities in consulting and/or lectures; intellectual property; stocks and shares; patent licensing and others.
........., __/__/__. Signitures: _______________
5.2 Ethics in Research on Human Beings: Authors must comply with ethic precepts on the conduction and report of research with regard to the ethical recommendations in the Declaration of Helsinki (1964, modified in 1975, 1983, 1989, 2000 and 2008) of the World Medical Association. In the case of research on human beings in Brazil, authors should observe integrally norms listed in Resolution CNS n. 466, published on 12 December 2012, of the Brazilian Health Council. Ethical procedures in research should be described in the last paragraph of the section “Methodology”, or rather, that free consent of agents has been obtained and the statement that the study was approved by the Committee for Ethics in Research involving Human Beings, with the number of approval or protocol.
5.3 Ethics in Experiments with Animals: Studies involving experiments with animals should comply with Law 11,794, published on 8 October 2008. Norms may be found in Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., USA), 1996, and Ethical Principles in Animal Experimentation (Brazilian College of Experiments with Animals – COBEA. The authors should state in the manuscript the protocol number of the project provided by the Committee for Ethics in the Use of Animals (CEUA) of the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA), an organ of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
FRANCO, G. H. B. O que aconteceu com as reformas em 1999. Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 26 dez. 1999. Economia, p.4, Caderno 6.
SIMONS, R. Qual é o nível de risco de sua empresa? HSM Managment, São Paulo, v.3, n. 16, p. 122-130, set./out. 1999.
MELLO, S. C.; LEÃO, A. L.M. de S.; SOUZA NETO, A. F. de. Que valores estão na moda?: achados muito além do efêmero. Revista de Administração Mackenzie: Revista da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, v.1, n.1, p. 117-134, 2000.
KELLY, R. Eletronic publishing at APS: its not just online journalism. APS News Online, Los Angeles, Nov. 1996. Disponível em: http://.... . Acesso em: 25 nov. 1998.
SILVA, M. M. L. Crimes da era digital. Net, Rio de Janeiro, nov. 1998. Seção Ponto de Vista. Disponível em: http://... Acesso em: 28 nov. 1998
DUCROT, O. Dicionário enciclopédico das ciências da linguagem. 2. ed. São Paulo: Perspectivca, 1998. 339p.
BRASIL. Lei n.° 9.887, de 7 de dezembro de 1999. Altera a legislação tributária federal. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, DF, 8 dez. 1999.
PARANÁ (Estado). Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Departamento de Administração. Manual do Estágio de Administração da UEM. Maringá, DAD Publicações, 2002, 158p.
SEVERINO, A. J. Metodologia do trabalho científico. 22. ed. rev. e ampl. São Paulo: Cortez, 2002. ISBN 85-249-0050-4.
Book chapter
FRIGOTTO, G. Os delírios da razão: crise do capital e metamorfose conceitual no campo educacional. In: GENTILI, A. H. Pedagogia da exclusão: crítica ao neoliberalismo em educação. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 1995. p.77-108.
RAMOS, P. A avaliação em Santa Catarina. Palestra Proferida na Pós-graduação, Papanduva, SC, 22 fev. 2002.
SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE, 14, 2000, João Pessoa. Anais [...] João Pessoa: CEFET-PB, 2000. 190p.
VENDRAMETTO, M. C. et al. Avaliação do conhecimento e uso de medicamentos genéricos por acadêmicos de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior. In: ENCONTRO DE PRODUÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DO CESUMAR, 2., 2001, Maringá. Livro de resumos [...] Maringá: Centro Universitário de Maringá, 2001. p.124.
ENCONTRO DE PRODUÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DO CESUMAR, 2., 2001, Maringá. Livro de resumos [...]. Maringá: Centro Universitário de Maringá, 2001. 565p.
SOUZA, L. S.; BORGES, A. L.; REZENDE, J. Influência da correção e do preparo do solo sobre algumas propriedades químicas do solo cultivado com bananeiras. In: REUNIÃO BRASILEIRA DE FERTILIDADE DO SOLO E NUTRIÇÃO DE PLANTAS, 21., 1994, Petrolina. Anais [...]. Petrolina: Embrapa, CPATSA, 1994. p.3-4.
Thesis / Monography
FREITAS JÚNIOR, O. de G. Um modelo de sistema de gestão do conhecimento para grupos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. 2003. 292 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2003.
Matthew Philip Jenkis – Translation only
Articles on health issues.
CNPJ: 11.737.331/0001-25
Telephone: (41) 3332-0258 / (41) 9935-9838
American Journal Experts (AJE)
São Paulo – SP
Researchers should pay for the translations. They have to forward a Certificate of Translation as a supplementary document when submitting the article to the Editorial Board.
Address for correspondence:
NAEP - Núcleo de Apoio à Editoração e Pesquisa
Avenida Guedner, 1610 Bloco 11 - 5º andar - Jardim Aclimação Cep: 87.050-390 - Maringá – PR
Copyright Notice
The Editorial Board is authorized to make certain changes in the original text to comply with bibliographical norms, orthography and grammar, so that standards in language and style may be maintained. However, the author´s style will be preserved. The concepts developed by the authors are their exclusive concern and responsibility.In case of approval, the e-mail of acceptance will contain a Letter of Copyright with authors´ name, personal data, and signature of all authors.