Mother - baby in the neonatal intensive care binomial: the mother that i have and the mother that i need

  • Jane Biscaia Hartmann CESUMAR
  • Vanessa Thalita Romanini Amadeu CESUMAR


This work came about from the concem with the high number of births of premature and underweight bables. Thus, this work was carried out with the objective to observe if the frequency and the permanency of mothers in the neonatal intensive care (NIC) interfere with the premature neonates development and the time the baby stay in the uniy. The direct observations of the mothers behavior were carried out according to a model developed by Esther Bick. The population sample of six pairs of mothers-babies was chosen from the NIC at Maringá´s University Hospital in the period from November 2003 to February 2004. The results indicate that the mothers´ frequency in the unity is not the only lactor responsible the premature baby development.

Author Biographies

Jane Biscaia Hartmann, CESUMAR
Professora mestre do Curso de Psicologia do CESUMAR - Orientadora
Vanessa Thalita Romanini Amadeu, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Psicologia do CESUMAR - Bolsista do Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica do CESUMAR/PROBIC
Artigos Originais