Remote teaching: challenges of teaching practice in Physics Teaching

  • Renata Carlos de Sousa Universidade Estadual do Piauí - UESPI
Keywords: Physics teaching, Remote teaching, Teaching practice


Education is going through a moment of reinvention and adaptation of remote teaching. It is a challenging process of re-signification of teaching practice that the COVID-19 pandemic brought. With regard to the teaching of Physics, the following problem arose: What are the challenges of teaching practice in this teaching modality? To answer this question, this work aims to: analyze the teaching practice in Physics teaching in times of pandemic; report teachers' difficulties with the virtual teaching environment; to verify, from the teacher's perspective, the students' performance with the contents covered; and also comment on the process of adaptation by both teachers and students with digital teaching platforms. The research is qualitative and exploratory. The subjects chosen to answer the questionnaire were four teachers who work in public high school and higher education. The results obtained indicate that the challenges of teachers in their educational practice were the lack of quality of the internet, the lack of digital resources on the part of the students and the little mastery of the mathematical language. However, despite the drop in students' performance, they were able to adapt and get used to the new teaching method.

Author Biography

Renata Carlos de Sousa, Universidade Estadual do Piauí - UESPI
Licenciatura Plena em Física pela Universidade Estadual do Piauí (UESPI) Piauí, Brasil.


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