Environmental protection and the road transportation of hazardous products

  • Eliana Alves Mantovani CESUMAR
  • Edvaldo Sapia Gonçalves CESUMAR


The mad transportation of hazardous products and the risk situations that this activity may represent to the environment, in case of accidents, are dealt with in teis article. Highlighting the legal aspects, the State´s omission is questioned in face to its duty to implement a potiry that is coherent with the economic importance of this enterprise. Taking into consideration the guarantee of sustainable development, the present legislation is conjugated with the principle of precaution, which through the application of safety measures, aims at avoiding the occurrence of ecological disasters.

Author Biographies

Eliana Alves Mantovani, CESUMAR
Bolsista do Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica do CESUMAR/PROBIC. Acadêmica do Curso de Direito do CESUMAR- Centro Univeristário de Maringá
Edvaldo Sapia Gonçalves, CESUMAR
Orientador e Docente do Curso de Direito do Centro Univeristário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Artigos Originais