Scientific Production on Psychological Evaluation in Hospital Psychology

  • Marcelo Scardovelli Brotta Universidade Guarulhos
  • Paulo Francisco de Castro Universidade Guarulhos / Universidade de Taubaté
Keywords: Psychological Evaluation, Hospital Psychology, Psychodiagnosis, Scientific Production


Current analysis investigates the scientific production on psychological evaluation within the context of hospital psychology. Hospitals are one of the spaces in which psychology may be exercised as a specific practice integrating clinical and institutional factors. Procedures of psychological evaluation should be adapted to the hospital with the production of a great amount of research material. Articles found in Brazilian data bases were investigated by searching the keywords ´psychological evaluation´ and ´hospital psychology´. Sixty-six articles were retrieved and analyzed according to their formal aspects and contents. Results show that most articles were published in 2007 (18,20% - N=12). The Revista Latino-americana de Enfermagem and Revista Saúde Pública, both with 7,6% (N=5), were the journals with most publications on the subject. Most authors, many (31,80% - N=28) from the state of São Paulo, Brazil and affiliated to the Universidade de São Paulo (12,70% – N=15), published one article per period, making up 70% of the samples (N=175). Interviews, questionnaires and attendance sessions (53,42% - N=39) were highly deployed. Psychological tests showed an incidence of 12,32% (N=9). Whereas the above data characterized Brazilian scientific production on psychological evaluation in Hospital Psychology, other studies on the theme were also highly relevant.

Author Biographies

Marcelo Scardovelli Brotta, Universidade Guarulhos
Acadêmico do Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Guarulhos - UNG; Bolsista PIBIC CNPq/UnG. E-mail:
Paulo Francisco de Castro, Universidade Guarulhos / Universidade de Taubaté
Docente do Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Guarulhos – UNG e Universidade de Taubaté - UNITAU. E-mail:
Artigos de Iniciação Científica