The Portuguese Language and its Linguistic Variations

  • Leiliane Aline Vieira
Keywords: Mother Language, Linguistic Variation, Linguistic Bias, Teachers´ Behavior


The study of Portuguese, its domain and the manner it is taught in the classroom are provided through the relationship to concepts and teachings of standard and non-standard Portuguese. Linguistic variations, linguistic bias and the manner the Brazilian Curricular Guidelines deal with such variations are reported. New attitudes for teachers of Portuguese are suggested, especially that of the teacher-researcher for new application forms and for language usage in the classroom. This will certainly bring about students´ sympathy with regard to the study of the language so that they would be critical and reflexive citizens vis-à-vis the language.

Author Biography

Leiliane Aline Vieira
Graduada em Letras – Português/Literatura; Especialista em Língua Portuguesa; Mestrado em Educação – UDE; Artigo como requisito avaliativo para a disciplina de Fundamentos da Educação. E-mail:
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