Materials for Civil Engineering: A Handout for Quick Consultation for the Choice of Better Material

  • Guilherme Ribeiro de Moura Centro Universitário UniCesumar
  • Felipe Ribeiro Uzelotto Centro Universitário UniCesumar
  • Thaise Moser Teixeira Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Keywords: Civil Engineering, Engineering, Maringá, Construction Materials


Current research analyzes the best materials for civil engineering in Maringá PR Brazil. Experienced-based analysis comprises information by engineers and architects on the performance of different types of material with regard to their resistance in the structural composition of a building. Following the experience of professionals in Maringá, several building materials assessed comprised structural concrete, structural and conventional masonry, steel, plywood and wood, in this order. Engineers stated that conventional material is satisfactory but outdated, albeit not obsolete. They demand a constant improvement in materials and techniques within the context of civil constructions. All the professionals consulted stated that if a handout for quick consultation existed, they would surely use it. However, the production and availability of such a handout could not discard other resources. The theme should be studied in depth and new materials sought out and researched, according to engineers, architects and environmental professionals consulted.

Author Biographies

Guilherme Ribeiro de Moura, Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Discente do 2º ano do curso de graduação em engenharia civil do Centro Universitário UniCesumar, Maringá, Paraná; Bolsista do PIBIT/CNPq; E-mail:
Felipe Ribeiro Uzelotto, Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Discente do 2º ano do curso de graduação em engenharia civil do Centro Universitário UniCesumar, Maringá, Paraná;
Thaise Moser Teixeira, Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Orientadora, Docente mestre do Centro Universitário UniCesumar, Maringá, Paraná;e-mail:
Artigos Originais