The Special System of Human Rights Protection: Seeking Equality and Respect for the Different


  • Paula Regina Pereira dos Santos Marques Dias Instituto de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão
  • Zilmar Timoteo Soares UEMA/UNISULMA


Equality, Human Rights, International Conventions, Respecting the Difference, Special Protection System.


Current research shows a special system of human rights protection established to protect certain groups of vulnerable individuals with emphasis on the main international conventions prepared within the global and regional context such as gender, children, torture, racial discrimination, people with deficiency and others. The deduction method and bibliographical research in books, journals, theses, scientific articles and documents published by international organisms are employed. Current analysis reveals that reflections obtained by the implementation of this special system of protection are the embodiment of human rights with equality without forgetting the respect to difference.

Author Biographies

Paula Regina Pereira dos Santos Marques Dias, Instituto de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão

Mestre em Direito, Relações Internacionais e Desenvolvimento pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica - PUC-GO; Docente Universitária

Zilmar Timoteo Soares, UEMA/UNISULMA

Biólogo; Doutor em Educação, Docente Adjunto da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão – UEMA e do Instituto de Ensino Superior do Maranhão – IESMA



How to Cite

Dias, P. R. P. dos S. M., & Soares, Z. T. (2014). The Special System of Human Rights Protection: Seeking Equality and Respect for the Different. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 16(1). Retrieved from



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