Co-Relation Between Sleep Disorders and Cognitive Assessment of Students of Medicine
Insomnia, Cognition, Excessive Day SleepingAbstract
University students of Medicine are susceptible to sleep disorders and their consequences, such as dysfunction of their cognitive abilities. Current study analyzes the sleep of students of Medicine by neuropsychological tests. Fifty undergraduate students in the Medicine Course of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) were included at random and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Eppworth ?s Sleepiness Scale, analysis of insomnia and its subtypes, and Trail Making Test (TMT) Parts A and B; Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) were employed for assessment. Further, 27 (54%) out of 50 students evaluated were female and 23 (46%) were male, aged between 19 and 32 years (22.9±2.9 years). Mean sleeping time reached 6 hours. Thirty-eight (76%) students reported insomnia and thirty-seven (74%) revealed bad sleeping quality according to PSQI and sixteen (32%) scores EDE for excessive day sleeping bouts. Contrary to what was expected, there was no co-relationship between insomnia symptoms, less night sleeping time, bad sleeping quality and criteria for day sleeping bouts, with a worse performance for TMT and DSST in undergraduates of the Medicine Course.Downloads
How to Cite
Lima, Átila M., Dutra, J. R. M., Tolentino Junior, J. C., Cortez, A. F., Passos, R. B. F., & Figueiredo, W. M. de. (2016). Co-Relation Between Sleep Disorders and Cognitive Assessment of Students of Medicine. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 18(1), 5–13.
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