Incidence of lesions in athletes that play futsal
lesões, futsal, tratamentoAbstract
Futsal, nowadays is a sport modality practiced more and more. Despite being a modality in which the individual tactics, technique and skills are fundamental, it has been noticed a special concern with the athlete’s physical enhancement, and consequently, a greater tendency for athletes to suffer some kind of lesion. Therefore, this work had the objective of verifying the occurrence of lesions in futsal athletes by following up the futsal team Amafusa in Maringá, during Parana’s Championship of Futsal-Golden Cup/2005. The methodology employed was the descriptive one, and a structured interview was used as the instrument of research. Two questionnaires were given, one at the end of the first phase and the other at the end of the second, when the team finished its participation in the championship. Twenty-one athletes aged between eighteen and twenty-six years of age were assessed. The results demonstrated that the anatomic segment mostly injured was the ankle, with 32.35%, followed by the knee, with 17.65% and the foot with 14.71%. The pathologies that occurred most frequently were the contusion and the sprained muscle, with 26.47% each, followed by muscular lesion (17.64%) and lesions in the ligaments (14.71%). The results also demonstrated the occurrence of lesions in all futsal players, due to the sport own characteristic, in which sudden changes of direction and physical contact take place. Thus, physiotherapy seeks the re-establishment of the injured area in the shortest possible time, and the athlete’s return to its practice in perfect physical form, although should be mainly concerned with the prevention of possible anomalies and so contribute to the maximum strengthening of the athletic functions.Downloads
How to Cite
Kurata, D. M., Martins Junior, J., & Nowotny, J. P. (2007). Incidence of lesions in athletes that play futsal. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 9(1), 45–51. Retrieved from
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