Atitudes filosóficas na iniciação científica: breves considerações e reflexões

  • Rubem Almeida Mariano Cesumar


This present article has the objective of molling brief considerations and relections about the basic formation of the new reserchers in scientific initiation. This work has, thefore, ben born out of the following concern: in it the case that the scientific formation present in the initiation, prepare new researchers who take into consideration life and its preservation? being this concern the starting point, the foowing problem has been formulated: wat are the necessary attitudes that new reserchers most have in the practice of the scientific initiation to the new knwledge which fakes into consideration life, its most diverse forms and preservation? This article has tried to present, briefly, the contradictions of doing science present in the reality in a conflictions game between life and death, benefits and drawbacks to humanity, as well as to present your philosophical attitudes believend to be useful in the formation of a scientific profile. The attitudes are as follw: radicality, rigourity, totality, criticism. I has also highlighted the responsibility ethics as indispensable in the fundamentation of these attitudes towards grester well being, life and its most diverse manifestations.

Author Biography

Rubem Almeida Mariano, Cesumar
Teólogo, Filósofo, Mestre em Ciência da Religião pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Professor de Filosofia e Membro da Comissão Organizadora do 1º Encontro de Produção Científica da FAIMAR - CESUMAR.
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