The adaptation of administration teaching to the organizations reality: a proposal for the implementation of a laboratory of strategic knowledge and information management

  • Maria Terezinha Angeloni UFSC


This article present "a proposal for the implantation of a laboratory of strategic knowledge and information management", as a support of the teaching and research activities of the undergraduate and graduate courses (strictu and lato sensu) of The Business of Federal University of Santa Catarina. this is a theoretical study whose objective is to adapt the teaching of Business to the new reality of organizations, which are inserted in the knowledge and information society era, in which the use of technology is not a differential, but an imperetive for the success of professionals and organizations.

Author Biography

Maria Terezinha Angeloni, UFSC
Professora do Departamento e Curso de pós-graduação em Administração e Coordenadora do Núcleo de Estudos em Gestão da Informação do Conhecimento e da Tecnologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC.
Artigos Originais