• Enock Fernandes Alves UNICESUMAR
  • Roney de Carvalho Luiz UNICESUMAR
Keywords: Social justice, Protestant reformation, History of the Church


Five hundred years have passed since the Protestant Reformation. Reference date 1517 is emblematic to mark Martin Luther´s posting of his propositions on the door of Wittenberg´s Cathedral. Current paper questions and reviews progress in social justice at the symbolical and practical levels. The precept was basic to the Reformation and its protagonists. The concept of social justice is first analyzed from the Biblical point of view, employing Old and New Testament texts. Research reviewed the reformers´ basic teachings, focusing on the works by Luther and Calvin. It also discusses the manner current Protestant Churches contributed towards the poor and destitute, or rather, evaluates the continuity and rupture themes within the context of the reformed churches since the Reformation.

Author Biographies

Enock Fernandes Alves, UNICESUMAR
Acadêmico do Curso de Teologia, Centro Universitário de Maringá – UNICESUMAR.
Roney de Carvalho Luiz, UNICESUMAR
Professor Mestre e Coordenador do curso de Teologia EAD, Docente do Centro Universitário de Maringá – UNICESUMAR. Pesquisador do GAPDH – Grupo de Apoio a Pesquisa e Docência em História.


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