The Importance of Cartoons as Ideological Representation: Child’s Identity Formation
Walt Disney, Indústria Cultural, Desenhos Animados, Identidade, Cultural Industry, Cartoons, Identity.Abstract
The present article intends to analyze the importance of cartoons in children’s education. The image is very important on the formation of the identity of a being. Therefore, the image in motion (movie) can be inserted in a broader area of cognition. This is an analysis of artistic and ideological representations that are present in cartoons, especially on Walt Disney Studios productions, which demonstrate everyday situations (diversity, behavior and interpersonal relationships). The criteria used in the research were topics on Cultural Industry and the point of view of illuminist philosophers – Adorno and Horkeimer, the movie industry and its representation in society. Through reading and movie language it is possible to observe the importance of the ideology in them. The image transmits subjectivity and objectivity, being semiotics its appropriate area of analysis. The ideology assumes the contemporaneity for its informative and formative character.Downloads
How to Cite
Silva, T. C. do R., & Gomes, A. C. F. (2009). The Importance of Cartoons as Ideological Representation: Child’s Identity Formation. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 11(1), 37–43. Retrieved from
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