The Current Math Study Program: Echoes from the Euclidian Geometry and its Sociocultural-Historical Context

  • Cristiane Coppe de Oliveira Universidade Guarulhos – UnG
  • Flávia de Fátima Santos Silva Universidade Guarulhos - UnG


Through the approach to the history of Math and its teachings, the concern to understand if it would be helpful in our cognitive/intellectual enrichment or in our future as teachers arose. Thus, the idea to develop this project was born, leading us to believe that the history of Math is of utmost importance for both. Having the historical knowledge over what they questioned themselves in the Hellenistic period, we came to a few questions such as: “What is it? Where does it come from? What is the purpose of Geometry?”. Such questions became frequent in the Geometry teaching and learning process. It is math instructors’ task to work these contents aiming at contextualizing them in their teaching activity. From this project on, we hope that the history of Geometry will help as a facilitator in the Geometry teaching and learning process.

Author Biographies

Cristiane Coppe de Oliveira, Universidade Guarulhos – UnG
Mestre em Educação Matemática pela Universidade do Estado de São Paulo – UNESP; Doutora em Educação Matemática pela Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo – FEUSP; Docente do Curso de História da Matemática da Universidade Guarulhos – UnG. E-mail:
Flávia de Fátima Santos Silva, Universidade Guarulhos - UnG
Graduada e bolsista PIBIC em Licenciatura Plena em Matemática pela Universidade Guarulhos – UnG; Pós-graduanda em Educação Matemática pela Universidade Guarulhos – UnG. E-mail:;
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