Aggressiveness in childhood: a study about its causes and consequences
pais, agressividade, infãnciaAbstract
The present study aimed at research the factors that lead children to be aggressive, a behavior that, in great part, annoys parents, teachers and society in general. It themoment, a study on children development was carried out with a focus on pre-school period. In addition to that, an attempt at studying aggressiveness was underttaken, questioning what factors and parents attitudes that may concur so that the child develops this types of society disturbance. This study is justicied by the fact that excessive agressiveness brings negative consequences to character formation these children, impairing their social interaction and, inm some cases, their learning. It has been concluded that parent, consciously or subconsciously, end up "collaborating" to the development of aggressives, since they have problems to imposo limits and are afreid to disappoint or traumatize their children. Thus, when parents cannot, for some reason, discipline their children adequaty, the children may let their aggressiveness to emerge ane have anti-social behavior.Downloads
How to Cite
França, S. L., & Yaegashi, S. F. R. (2007). Aggressiveness in childhood: a study about its causes and consequences. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 7(1), 11–18. Retrieved from
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