study of the prevalence of the long palmary muscle in humans


  • Lillian Bolonheis Garcia CESUMAR
  • Carolina Nechar Marques CESUMAR
  • Cinthya Mayumi dos Santos CESUMAR
  • Sônia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini CESUMAR


músculo palmar longo, variação anatômica, miologia


The long palmary muscle is located in the anterior face of the foream. It is one of the most inconstant muscles, which helps with the flexion of the wrist and tightens the palmary aponeurosis. The objective of this work was to verifity the prevalence of the long palmary muscle in humans, as well as its relation to gender, race, dominance and hereditary as to provide anatomic subsidies that may be used for clinical application. The study involved 400 foreams of 200 volunteers of both sexes, different races and ages groups from the city of Maringá-PR. These individuals were analyzed by the flexion of the wrist test to verify the presence of the long palmary muscle, as well as a questionnaire with open and closed questions, Among the individuals assessed it was observed the muscle´s presence in 86% of cases, 49,4% of which in females and 50,6% in males. When present, bilaterality was observed in 86,1% of the individuals, 53,4% in men and 46,6% in women. On the other hand, unilateral presence was more frequently observed in women (66,7%). In relation to race,m the muscle was predominantly present in the white participants (46,5%). With this study it is possible to conclude that the long palmary muscle is present in the majority of individuals. from the statistical point of view, the adserce of the long palmary muscle is an anatomic variation, since it causes no funtional impaiment.

Author Biographies

Lillian Bolonheis Garcia, CESUMAR

Acadêmica do Curso de Fisioterapia e Bolsista do Pograma de Bolsas de Iniciação Cintífica do Cesumar - PROBIC/CESUMAR

Carolina Nechar Marques, CESUMAR

Acadêmica do Curso de Física

Cinthya Mayumi dos Santos, CESUMAR

Acadêmica do Curso de Física

Sônia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini, CESUMAR

Docente Drª. do Curso de Fisioterapia do CESUMAR, orientadora.



How to Cite

Garcia, L. B., Marques, C. N., Santos, C. M. dos, & Bertolini, S. M. M. G. (2007). study of the prevalence of the long palmary muscle in humans. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 7(1), 19–24. Retrieved from



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