Análise da gestão ambiental de indústrias de amido de mandioca: oportunidades para uma produção mais limpa
Bagaço, Biodigestor, Enfluentes, Recursos NaturaisResumo
O processamento de mandioca para obtenção de amido gera grandes quantidades de resíduos sólidos e efluentes que podem se tornar passivos ambientais. O objetivo deste estudo foi traçar perfis das indústrias de mandioca do Paraná, Brasil, quanto ao uso dos recursos naturais e resíduos gerados, bem como as estratégias de gestão ambiental adotadas, para identificar oportunidades que resultem em Produção Mais Limpa (PML). Foi aplicado questionário em 18 indústrias, e o bagaço gerado em sete delas foi determinada a composição físico-química. A quantidade de bagaço gerado variou de 200 a 1000 kg ton-1 de raízes processadas, o qual é geralmente destinado à alimentação animal; mas, tem potencial para outras aplicações devido ao teor de amido (57,7 g 100 g-1) e fibras alimentares (35,3 g 100 g-1). Houve consumo de água significativo (1,50 a 19,20 m³ ton-1 de raízes) resultando em alta geração de efluentes (1,25 a 11,52 m³ ton-1 de raízes), o que acarreta custos para tratamento em lagoas. As indústrias possuem biodigestores, sistema de lagoas cobertas, um dos principais mecanismos da PML, pois possibilita a economia de lenha, a redução da emissão de gases de efeito estufa e a geração de resíduos das caldeiras, e há produção de energia e biofertilizantes. Das indústrias, ~30% se destacaram em termos de eficiência no consumo de água, geração de resíduos sólidos e líquidos, com redução de custos com tratamento de efluentes. A transferência de tecnologias entre as indústrias é importante para promover a sustentabilidade da cadeia produtiva, com a adoção de PML.Referências
ANDRADE-MAHECHA, M. M.; PELISSARI, F. M., TAPIA-BLÁCIDO, D. R., MENEGALLI, F. C. Achira as a source of biodegradable materials: Isolation and characterization of nanofibers. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 123, p. 406-415, 2015.DOI:
AOAC - Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official methods of analysis. 18 ed. Maryland, United States, 2005. 1094 p.
BRASIL. Lei 12.305. Estabelece a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos; Altera a Lei nº 9.605, de 12 de fevereiro de 1998; e toma outras providências. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília DF, 2010.
CEREDA, M. P. Produtos e Subprodutos. In: SOUZA, L. S.; FARIAS, A. R. N; MATTOS, P. L. P.; FUKUDA, W. M. G. Processo e Utilização da Mandioca. EMBRAPA Informação Tecnológica, Brasília, pp.17-56, 2005.
CHAVALPARIT, O.; ONGWANDEE, M. Clean technology for the tapioca starch industry in Thailand. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 17, p. 105–110, 2009. DOI:
CHEN, H.; CHEN, B.; SU, Z.; WANG, K.; WANG, B.; WANG, Y.; SI, Z.; WU, Y.; CAI, D.; QIN, P. Efficient lactic acid production from cassava bagasse by mixed culture of Bacillus coagulans and Lactobacillus rhamnosus using stepwise pH controlled simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation. Industrial Crops and Products, v. 146, p. 112175, 2020. DOI:
COLIN, X.; FARINET, J.L.; ROJAS, O.; ALAZARD, D. Anaerobic treatment of cassava starch extraction wastewater using a horizontal flow filter with bamboo as support. Bioresource Technology, United Kingdon, v. 98 p. 1602–1607, 2007. DOI:
CREMONEZ, P. A.; TELEKEN, J. G.; MEIER, T. R.; ALVES, H. J. Two-Stage anaerobic digestion in agroindustrial waste treatment: A review. Journal of Environmental Management, United States v. 281, p.111854, 2021. DOI:
FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAOSTAT. Avaliable at: Accessed on 05 july 2022.
FIORDA, F. A.; SOARES, J. M. S.; SILVA, F. A.; MOURA, C. M. A.; GROSSMANN, M.V.E. Physical quality of snacks and technological properties of pre-gelatinized flours formulated with cassava starch and dehydrated cassava bagasse as a function of extrusion variables. LWT - Food Science and Technology, v. 62, p. 1112- 1119, 2015. DOI:
FIORDA, F. A.; SOARES, J. M. S.; SILVA, F. A.; MOURA, C. M. A.; GROSSMANN, M. V. E.; SOUTO, L. R. F. Microestructure, texture and colour of glutem-free pasta made with amaranth flour, cassava starch and cassava bagasse. LWT - Food Science and Technology, v. 54, p. 132-138, 2013. DOI:
GEEM, Z. W.; KIM, J. H. Wastewater treatment optimization for fish migration using harmony search. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v. 2014, p. 313157, 2014. DOI:
GHIMIRE, A.; SEN, R.; ANNACHHATRE, A. P. Biosolid Management Options in Cassava Starch Industries of Thailand: Present Practice and Future Possibilities. Procedia Chemistry, v. 14, p. 66–75, 2015. DOI:
HANSUPALAK, N.; PIROMKRAIPAK, P.; TAMTHIRAT, P.; MANITSORASAK, A.; SRIROTH, K.; TRAN, T. Biogas reduces the carbon footprint of cassava starch: a comparative assessment with fuel oil. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 134, p. 539–546, 2016. DOI:
KAMARAJ. A.; GOPAL, N.O.; VENKATACHALAM, P.; SAMPATHRAJAN, A. Biofuel production from tapioca starch industry wastewater using a hybrid anaerobic reactor. Energy for Sustainable Development, v. 10, p. 73–77, 2006. DOI:
KELLER, M.; AMBROSIO, E.; OLIVEIRA, V. M.; GÓES, M. M.; CARVALHO, G. M.; BATISTELA, V. R.; GARCIA, J. C. Polyurethane foams synthesis with cassava waste for biodiesel removal from water bodies. Bioresource Technology Reports, v.10, p. 10039, 2020. DOI:
MARTINEZ, D. G.; FEIDEN, A.; BARICCATTI, R.; ZARA, K. R. F. Ethanol production from waste of cassava processing. Applied Sciences, v. 8, p. 1–8, 2018. DOI:
OGHENEJOBOH, K. Effects of Cassava Wastewater on the Quality of Receiving Water Body Intended for Fish Farming. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, v. 6, p. 164-171, 2015. DOI:
OGHENEJOBOH, K. M.; ORUGBA, H. O.; OGHENEJOBOH, U. M.; AGARRY, S. E. Value added cassava waste management and environmental sustainability in Nigeria: A review. Environmental Challenges, v. 4, p. 100127, 2021. DOI:
PARANÁ. Conselho Estadual de Meio Ambiente - CEMA. Resolução Nº. 70/2009. Dispõe sobre o licenciamento ambiental, estabelece condições e critérios e dá outras providências para os Empreendimentos Industriais Curitiba: CEMA, 2009.
PADI, R. K.; CHIMPHANGO, A. Feasibility of commercial waste biorefineries for cassava starch industries: Techno-economic assessment. Bioresource, v. 297, p. 122461, 2020a.DOI:
PADI, R. K.; CHIMPHANGO, A. Commercial viability of integrated waste treatment in cassava starch industries for targeted resource recoveries. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 265, p.121619, 2020b. DOI:
PADI, R. K.; CHIMPHANGO, A. Comparative sustainability assessments for integrated cassava starch wastes biorefineries. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 290, p. 125171, 2021. DOI:
PINGMUANGLEK, P.; JAKRAWATANA, N.; GHEEWALA, S. H. Supply chain analysis for cassava starch production: Cleaner production opportunities and benefits. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 162, p. 1075–1084, 2017. DOI:
REWLAY-NGOEN, C.; PAPONG, S.; ONBHUDDHA, R.; THANOMNIM, B. Evaluation of the environmental performance of bioethanol from cassava pulp using life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 384, p. 124741, 2020. DOI:
ROJAS, M. J.; AMARAL-FONSECA, M.; FERNANDEZ-LAFUENTE, R.; GIORDANO, R. L. C.; TARDIOLI, P. W. Recovery of starch from cassava bagasse for cyclodextrin production by sequential treatment with ?-amylase and cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase. Biocatalysis Agricultural Biotechnology, v. 22, p. 101411, 2019. DOI:
SÁNCHEZ A. S., SILVA Y. L., KALID R. A., COHIM E, TORRES E. A. Waste bio-refineries for the cassava starch industry: New trends and review of alternatives. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 73, p. 1265–1275, 2017. DOI:
SEAB - Secretária da Agricultura e Abastecimento. Prognóstico MANDIOCA Análise da Conjuntura 1 – Mandioca no Mundo. Avaliable at: 2019-12/Mandioca%202020.pdf. Accessed on: 20 August 2022.
SEBRAE – Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas. Anuário do Trabalho na Micro e Pequena Empresa. 2003. 5 ed. Diese, São Paulo.
SOUZA, C. B.; JONATHAN, M.; SAAD, S. M. I.; SCHOLS, H. A.; VENEMA, K. Characterization and in vitro digestibility of by-products from Brazilian food industry: Cassava bagasse, orange bagasse and passion fruit peel. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Diet Fibre, v. 16, p. 90-99, 2018. DOI:
TEIXEIRA, E. M.; CURVELO, A. A. S.; CORRÊA, A. C.; MARCONCINI, J. M.; GLENN. G. M.; MATTOSO, L. H. C. Properties of thermoplastic starch from cassava bagasse and cassava starch and their blends with poly (lactic acid). Industrial Crops and Products, v. 37, p. 61-68, 2012. DOI:
TRAN, T.; DA, G.; MORENO-SANTANDER, M. A.; VÉLEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, G. A.; GIRALDO- TORO, A.; PIYACHOMKWAN, K.; SRIROTH, K. DUFOUR, D. A comparison of energy use, water use and carbon footprint of cassava starch production in Thailand, Vietnam and Colombia. Resources Conservation and Recycling, v. 100, p. 31–40, 2015. DOI:
TRAVALINI, A. P.; LAMSAL, B.; MAGALHÃES, W. L.; DEMIATE, I. M. Cassava starch films reinforced with lignocellulose nanofibers from cassava bagasse. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 139, p. 1151-1161, 2019. DOI:
YIN, Y.; MA, Z. NONG, G.; WANG, S. Strategies of energy management in a cassava starch plant for increasing energy and economic efficiency. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 234, p. 1296–1305, 2019. DOI:
ZHANG, M.; XIE, L.; YIN, Z.; KHANAL, S.K.; ZHOU, Q. Biorefinery approach for cassava-based industrial wastes: Current status and opportunities. Bioresource Technology, v. 215, p. 50–62, 2016. DOI:
ZHU, F. Composition, structure, physicochemical properties, and modifications of cassava starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 122, p. 456–480, 2015. DOI:
AOAC - Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official methods of analysis. 18 ed. Maryland, United States, 2005. 1094 p.
BRASIL. Lei 12.305. Estabelece a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos; Altera a Lei nº 9.605, de 12 de fevereiro de 1998; e toma outras providências. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília DF, 2010.
CEREDA, M. P. Produtos e Subprodutos. In: SOUZA, L. S.; FARIAS, A. R. N; MATTOS, P. L. P.; FUKUDA, W. M. G. Processo e Utilização da Mandioca. EMBRAPA Informação Tecnológica, Brasília, pp.17-56, 2005.
CHAVALPARIT, O.; ONGWANDEE, M. Clean technology for the tapioca starch industry in Thailand. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 17, p. 105–110, 2009. DOI:
CHEN, H.; CHEN, B.; SU, Z.; WANG, K.; WANG, B.; WANG, Y.; SI, Z.; WU, Y.; CAI, D.; QIN, P. Efficient lactic acid production from cassava bagasse by mixed culture of Bacillus coagulans and Lactobacillus rhamnosus using stepwise pH controlled simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation. Industrial Crops and Products, v. 146, p. 112175, 2020. DOI:
COLIN, X.; FARINET, J.L.; ROJAS, O.; ALAZARD, D. Anaerobic treatment of cassava starch extraction wastewater using a horizontal flow filter with bamboo as support. Bioresource Technology, United Kingdon, v. 98 p. 1602–1607, 2007. DOI:
CREMONEZ, P. A.; TELEKEN, J. G.; MEIER, T. R.; ALVES, H. J. Two-Stage anaerobic digestion in agroindustrial waste treatment: A review. Journal of Environmental Management, United States v. 281, p.111854, 2021. DOI:
FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAOSTAT. Avaliable at: Accessed on 05 july 2022.
FIORDA, F. A.; SOARES, J. M. S.; SILVA, F. A.; MOURA, C. M. A.; GROSSMANN, M.V.E. Physical quality of snacks and technological properties of pre-gelatinized flours formulated with cassava starch and dehydrated cassava bagasse as a function of extrusion variables. LWT - Food Science and Technology, v. 62, p. 1112- 1119, 2015. DOI:
FIORDA, F. A.; SOARES, J. M. S.; SILVA, F. A.; MOURA, C. M. A.; GROSSMANN, M. V. E.; SOUTO, L. R. F. Microestructure, texture and colour of glutem-free pasta made with amaranth flour, cassava starch and cassava bagasse. LWT - Food Science and Technology, v. 54, p. 132-138, 2013. DOI:
GEEM, Z. W.; KIM, J. H. Wastewater treatment optimization for fish migration using harmony search. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v. 2014, p. 313157, 2014. DOI:
GHIMIRE, A.; SEN, R.; ANNACHHATRE, A. P. Biosolid Management Options in Cassava Starch Industries of Thailand: Present Practice and Future Possibilities. Procedia Chemistry, v. 14, p. 66–75, 2015. DOI:
HANSUPALAK, N.; PIROMKRAIPAK, P.; TAMTHIRAT, P.; MANITSORASAK, A.; SRIROTH, K.; TRAN, T. Biogas reduces the carbon footprint of cassava starch: a comparative assessment with fuel oil. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 134, p. 539–546, 2016. DOI:
KAMARAJ. A.; GOPAL, N.O.; VENKATACHALAM, P.; SAMPATHRAJAN, A. Biofuel production from tapioca starch industry wastewater using a hybrid anaerobic reactor. Energy for Sustainable Development, v. 10, p. 73–77, 2006. DOI:
KELLER, M.; AMBROSIO, E.; OLIVEIRA, V. M.; GÓES, M. M.; CARVALHO, G. M.; BATISTELA, V. R.; GARCIA, J. C. Polyurethane foams synthesis with cassava waste for biodiesel removal from water bodies. Bioresource Technology Reports, v.10, p. 10039, 2020. DOI:
MARTINEZ, D. G.; FEIDEN, A.; BARICCATTI, R.; ZARA, K. R. F. Ethanol production from waste of cassava processing. Applied Sciences, v. 8, p. 1–8, 2018. DOI:
OGHENEJOBOH, K. Effects of Cassava Wastewater on the Quality of Receiving Water Body Intended for Fish Farming. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, v. 6, p. 164-171, 2015. DOI:
OGHENEJOBOH, K. M.; ORUGBA, H. O.; OGHENEJOBOH, U. M.; AGARRY, S. E. Value added cassava waste management and environmental sustainability in Nigeria: A review. Environmental Challenges, v. 4, p. 100127, 2021. DOI:
PARANÁ. Conselho Estadual de Meio Ambiente - CEMA. Resolução Nº. 70/2009. Dispõe sobre o licenciamento ambiental, estabelece condições e critérios e dá outras providências para os Empreendimentos Industriais Curitiba: CEMA, 2009.
PADI, R. K.; CHIMPHANGO, A. Feasibility of commercial waste biorefineries for cassava starch industries: Techno-economic assessment. Bioresource, v. 297, p. 122461, 2020a.DOI:
PADI, R. K.; CHIMPHANGO, A. Commercial viability of integrated waste treatment in cassava starch industries for targeted resource recoveries. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 265, p.121619, 2020b. DOI:
PADI, R. K.; CHIMPHANGO, A. Comparative sustainability assessments for integrated cassava starch wastes biorefineries. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 290, p. 125171, 2021. DOI:
PINGMUANGLEK, P.; JAKRAWATANA, N.; GHEEWALA, S. H. Supply chain analysis for cassava starch production: Cleaner production opportunities and benefits. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 162, p. 1075–1084, 2017. DOI:
REWLAY-NGOEN, C.; PAPONG, S.; ONBHUDDHA, R.; THANOMNIM, B. Evaluation of the environmental performance of bioethanol from cassava pulp using life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 384, p. 124741, 2020. DOI:
ROJAS, M. J.; AMARAL-FONSECA, M.; FERNANDEZ-LAFUENTE, R.; GIORDANO, R. L. C.; TARDIOLI, P. W. Recovery of starch from cassava bagasse for cyclodextrin production by sequential treatment with ?-amylase and cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase. Biocatalysis Agricultural Biotechnology, v. 22, p. 101411, 2019. DOI:
SÁNCHEZ A. S., SILVA Y. L., KALID R. A., COHIM E, TORRES E. A. Waste bio-refineries for the cassava starch industry: New trends and review of alternatives. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 73, p. 1265–1275, 2017. DOI:
SEAB - Secretária da Agricultura e Abastecimento. Prognóstico MANDIOCA Análise da Conjuntura 1 – Mandioca no Mundo. Avaliable at: 2019-12/Mandioca%202020.pdf. Accessed on: 20 August 2022.
SEBRAE – Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas. Anuário do Trabalho na Micro e Pequena Empresa. 2003. 5 ed. Diese, São Paulo.
SOUZA, C. B.; JONATHAN, M.; SAAD, S. M. I.; SCHOLS, H. A.; VENEMA, K. Characterization and in vitro digestibility of by-products from Brazilian food industry: Cassava bagasse, orange bagasse and passion fruit peel. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Diet Fibre, v. 16, p. 90-99, 2018. DOI:
TEIXEIRA, E. M.; CURVELO, A. A. S.; CORRÊA, A. C.; MARCONCINI, J. M.; GLENN. G. M.; MATTOSO, L. H. C. Properties of thermoplastic starch from cassava bagasse and cassava starch and their blends with poly (lactic acid). Industrial Crops and Products, v. 37, p. 61-68, 2012. DOI:
TRAN, T.; DA, G.; MORENO-SANTANDER, M. A.; VÉLEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, G. A.; GIRALDO- TORO, A.; PIYACHOMKWAN, K.; SRIROTH, K. DUFOUR, D. A comparison of energy use, water use and carbon footprint of cassava starch production in Thailand, Vietnam and Colombia. Resources Conservation and Recycling, v. 100, p. 31–40, 2015. DOI:
TRAVALINI, A. P.; LAMSAL, B.; MAGALHÃES, W. L.; DEMIATE, I. M. Cassava starch films reinforced with lignocellulose nanofibers from cassava bagasse. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 139, p. 1151-1161, 2019. DOI:
YIN, Y.; MA, Z. NONG, G.; WANG, S. Strategies of energy management in a cassava starch plant for increasing energy and economic efficiency. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 234, p. 1296–1305, 2019. DOI:
ZHANG, M.; XIE, L.; YIN, Z.; KHANAL, S.K.; ZHOU, Q. Biorefinery approach for cassava-based industrial wastes: Current status and opportunities. Bioresource Technology, v. 215, p. 50–62, 2016. DOI:
ZHU, F. Composition, structure, physicochemical properties, and modifications of cassava starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 122, p. 456–480, 2015. DOI:
Como Citar
Santos, L. N. dos ., Godoy, E. D. ., Rocha, S. A. ., & Barros, B. C. B. . (2024). Análise da gestão ambiental de indústrias de amido de mandioca: oportunidades para uma produção mais limpa. Revista Em Agronegócio E Meio Ambiente, 17(2), e11908.
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