Efficiency of the millicompost in the production of seedlings of Hylocereus undatus

Keywords: Cuttings, Millicomposting, Organic compost, Pitaya tree


The success of vegetatively propagated pitaya seedling production depends on several factors, such as the proper choice of substrate for its rooting. It has been verified that the millicompost has contributed to the production of seedlings of some species, however, there are no reports for the pitaya. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the efficiency of the millicompost generated by the activity of the diplopod Trigoniulus corallinus in the cuttings of the red pitaya. The substrates used were: S1) millicompost, S2) sand + manure and S3) Biomix®. Characterizations of the physicochemical, chemical and physical properties of the substrates were carried out. The phytotechnical parameters evaluated in the pitaya cuttings were: number of shoots, the length of the largest shoot, fresh and dry mass of shoots and roots. The millicompost presented physicochemical, chemical and physical properties suitable for the development of the pitaya, whose nutrient levels and physical characteristics, in addition to being superior to the other substrates, were able to obtain seedlings of superior quality and size in relation to the original seedlings of the other two substrates tested. The millicompost represents an excellent alternative as an organic substrate for the vegetative propagation of the pitaya tree.

Author Biographies

Luiz Fernando de Sousa Antunes, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ
Doutor em Fitotecnia pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropédica (RJ), Brasil
Maria Elizabeth Fernandes Correia, Embrapa Agrobiologia
Doutora em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). Pesquisadora da Embrapa Agrobiologia, Seropédica (RJ), Brasil.
Dione Galvão da Silva, Embrapa Agrobiologia
Mestra em Fitotecnia pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). Analista da Embrapa Agrobiologia, Seropédica (RJ), Brasil.
Fábio Ferreira Cruvinel, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ
Doutor em Fitotecnia pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropédica (RJ), Brasil.
Luiz Aurélio Peres Martelleto, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ
Doutor em Fitotecnia pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). Professor adjunto da UFRRJ. Instituto de Agronomia. Departamento de Fitotecnia, Seropédica (RJ), Brasil.


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