Contribution of savings and loan groups to financing agribusiness in the district of Magude, Mozambique


  • Lucilio Bule Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS
  • Tómas Sitoe Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
  • Glauco Schultz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS



Social and financial exclusion, Welfare, Income, Agricultural production


Savings and loan groups were implemented with the support of international NGOs working in Mozambique from the 1990s onwards, however, despite the relative success in rural areas, little attention was paid to this type of savings. In order to analyze its role in the well-being of its members residing in the locality of Macuvulane in the district of Magude. A total of 102 agricultural producers representing an equal number of households (AF) were interviewed, 51 being members of the savings and loan groups (research group) and (51) non-members of the savings and loan groups (control group). The generated data were processed and analyzed using SPSS to compare the socioeconomic characteristics of households that are members of the savings and loan groups and those that are not. Significant differences were observed in terms of ownership of various goods and income, in terms of the quantity of agricultural and animal products, in terms of the ability to sell their products to preferential markets and greater possibility of profit among members. savings and loan groups relative to non-members. The study allowed us to conclude that belonging to savings and loan groups contributes to the well-being of its members as it facilitates access to credit. Ease of access to credit makes it possible to invest in improving its activities and the ability to sell its products to preferential markets.

Author Biographies

Lucilio Bule, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brasil.

Tómas Sitoe, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

Professor Adjunto na Faculdade na Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Sociais da UEM. Instituto de Investigação Agraria de Moçambique/Centro de Estudos Socioeconómicos.

Glauco Schultz, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Professor Adjunto na Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas da UFRGS. Professor permanente nos programas de Pós-Graduação em Agronegócio (CEPAN) e em Desenvolvimento Rural (PGDR).


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How to Cite

Bule, L., Sitoe, T. ., & Schultz, G. . (2023). Contribution of savings and loan groups to financing agribusiness in the district of Magude, Mozambique. Revista Em Agronegócio E Meio Ambiente, 16(4), 1–13.


