Development of açaí palm seedlings as a function of inoculation with growth-promoting microorganisms
Azospirillum brasilense, Glomus, Gigaspora, MycorrhizaAbstract
Açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart., Arecaceae), a palm tree native to the Amazon basin, faces problems associated with its initial development, such as uneven germination and slow growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the initial biometric development of açaí palm seedlings as a function of inoculation, or co-inoculation, with plant growth-promoting microorganisms. The experiment was carried out in a nursery and the treatments consisted of inoculation, or co-inoculation, of seedlings with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus sp. and Gigaspora sp.), diazotrophic bacteria (Azospirillum brasilense) and beneficial microorganisms©, applied in the rhizosphere of the seedlings. At 90 days after sowing, there were no statistical differences between treatments for any of the individual variables. However, hierarchical cluster analysis revealed the existence of four clusters. Shoot height (25.0 cm), leaf insertion height (12.0 cm) and root length (12.1 cm) tended to be slightly lower in non-inoculated seedlings (cluster 1). Inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi tended to promote the best development of seedlings, especially verified through root length (18.3 cm), but forming a cluster with diazotrophic bacteria (cluster 4). On the other hand, co-inoculation of mycorrhizae and diazotrophic bacteria tended to result in the lowest means, especially for shoot dry mass (0.20 mg) (cluster 3). The mix of beneficial microorganisms©, alone or co-inoculated, always formed a single cluster (cluster 2). Inoculation of açaí palm seedlings affects their initial development, but does not promote significant growth and development in a period of 90 days.References
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