Evaluation of oxidative stress caused by exposure to particulate matter in charcoal workers
Free radicals, Atmospheric pollution, Charcoal workersAbstract
The production of charcoal is associated with atmospheric pollution and several processes involving oxidative stress in the population. Therefore, the main objective of this project was to evaluate the effects caused by particulate matter on oxidative stress parameters in workers working in charcoal production in Barão do Triunfo. Atmospheric particles were collected using a particle sampler and biological material collected from workers for analysis of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and total antioxidant power (FRAP). The control group was selected from an existing database, from a clinical analysis laboratory in the city, consisting of healthy individuals not exposed to particulate matter. The results for particulate matter concentrations averaged 16.46 µg/m3 for fine particulate matter and 300.12 µg/m3 for coarse particulate matter. The results of the socio-demographic analyzes of the control group show a prevalence of females who have completed secondary education, with an average monthly income of up to two minimum wages. In the exposed group, there is a prevalence of male individuals, with complete primary and secondary education, monthly income above two minimum wages, the majority of workers without the habit of smoking. In the exposed group there was an increase in GPx and a decrease in SOD compared to the control group. There was no significant difference for FRAP between the control group and the exposed group. Thus, we can conclude that workers exposed to particulate matter have higher levels of oxidative enzymes and decreased oxidative defenses when compared to the control group.References
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