• Waldir Nagel Schirmer Universidade Estadual do Centro-oeste - UNICENTRO
  • Italo Tadeu Machado Ferreira
  • Camilo Bastos Ribeiro
  • Guilherme Pozzobom Pavanello
  • Gilmara de Oliveira Machado
  • Paulo Rogério Pinto Rodrigues
Keywords: Renewable energy, Drying, Sustainability


One of the problems in the paper and cellulose industry is the disposal of solid wastes in industrial pits due to the lack of proper areas and the impact on the environment. The energy potential of waste cellulose materials measures their calorific power. Current research characterizes cellulose wastes from a card stock factory by immediate and element analysis to stimulate the calorific potential and evaluate the capacity of energy profit by combustion mixed to wooden chips in an industrial oven. Fuels usually burnt in the biomass boiler for the generation of steam were analyzed: pine chips, pinus bark and wastes from card stock manufacture; wood fibers retrieved from timber in the manufacture of wood paste, fibers from the effluent treatment station (ETE) and ashes. Cellulose wastes from ETE fiber, wooden fibers and chips had a high energy potential after drying process for the decrease of humidity and increase in calorific potential. Oven ashes also have calorific potential and may be reused in combustion with wooden chips.

Author Biography

Waldir Nagel Schirmer, Universidade Estadual do Centro-oeste - UNICENTRO
Professor Associado do curso de Engenhara Ambiental e Mestrados em Bioenergia e Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental; Doutor em Engenharia Ambiental pela UFSC.


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