Campanha Gaúcha, multi-level perspective, Transition, Vitiviniculture.Abstract
Socio-technical factors that contribute towards an innovating trajectory in vitiviniculture production in the Campanha Gaúcha are analyzed. The multilevel perspective theoretical approach within a transition analysis is employed to understand the establishment of vitiviniculture. The case study of a region highlighted for its production of Vitis viniferas is forwarded. Investigation consists of two stages. Stage A defines the three phases of vitiviniculture in the region between 1887 and 1969 (experimentation), between 1970 and 1999 (stabilization) and between 2000 up to the present (resistance). Stage 2 identified the socio-technical factors and their combinations and the manner they developed over time. Two proposals were suggested to combine effort to theory within transition studies. The first proposal comprises the inclusion of factors, at regime level, called structuring potential, specific demand and production dynamism of knowledge; the second proposal corresponds to inclusion of factors at niche level called identification of opportunities and menaces, harnessing of opportunities, reconfiguration, promoting conditions and barriers. The new factors were associated with resources and included at landscape and niche level. The two proposals were confirmed.References
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