Análise da agricultura orgânica na Região Sul do Brasil, sob a perspectiva da sustentabilidade

Keywords: Agroecology, Environmental impacts, Sustainable development, Sustainable agricultural practices


Family farming and agroecological practices may minimize the harmful effects of conventional agriculture on a large scale and contribute towards the mitigation of global warming. The big question that emerges is whether this form of production can increase demand, replacing the scale production model within the context of population increase expected for future decades. Interviews were conducted with two specialists from a government institution supporting technological agriculture, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul to characterize the sustainable aspects of organic agriculture, highlighting strengths, weaknesses and challenges. It should be underscored that organic agriculture has the potential for technological innovation, capable of promoting the balance of the environment, being profitable for producers, influencing social identity and contributing towards the health and well-being of consumers. Weaknesses include aging of soil, lack of technological development to replace mechanization and dependence on fossil fuels. Challenges comprise public incentives to promote more innovation and financial stimulus for smallholder farmers. Current research has its limitations, such as the lack of practical application of the elements described and the number of professionals interviewed. However, due to their status as managers and, thus, opinion makers with institutional legitimacy, current study provides important contributions towards the improvement of scientific knowledge and suggestion for further research.

Author Biographies

Camila Cidon , Universidade FEEVALE
Mestra em Qualidade Ambiental, Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo (RS), Brasil.
Vanessa Theis, Universidade FEEVALE
Doutora em Qualidade Ambiental, Pós-doutoranda na Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo (RS), Brasil.
Dusan Schreiber, Universidade FEEVALE
Doutor em Administração, Professor titular da Universidade FEEVALE, Docente e Pesquisador do Mestrado Acadêmico em Administração, do Mestrado Profissional em Indústria Criativa e Programa de Qualidade Ambiental, da Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo (RS), Brasil.
Bruna Haubert, Universidade FEEVALE
Doutoranda em Qualidade Ambiental, Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo (RS), Brasil.
Camila Fagundes, Universidade FEEVALE
Doutoranda em Qualidade Ambiental, Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo (RS), Brasil.


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