Doses of limestone, phosphorus and potassium on the initial development of Anacardium humile seedlings



Palabras clave:

Cerrado biome, Native fruits, Potassium chloride, Triple superphosphate, Fertilization


The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different doses of limestone, phosphorus, and potassium on the initial development of Anacardium humile (Cajuzinho-do-cerrado) seedlings. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse. A randomized block design was adopted in a 3x4x4 factorial scheme (liming x phosphorus x potassium doses). The treatments consisted of three liming doses (0; 40; and 70% of base saturation), four doses of potassium chloride with 60% of K2O (0; 60; 120; and 180 kg ha-1), and four doses of triple superphosphate with 46% of P2O5 (0; 80; 160; and 240 kg ha-1), with six replications. The following characteristics were evaluated: stem diameter (SD), plant height (PH), root length (RL), shoot dry matter (SDM), and root dry matter (RDM). The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the averages were compared by Tukey’s test (p < 0.05). It was concluded that there was no influence of phosphorus doses on the initial development of A. humile seedlings and that there was a response to the association between liming and potassium chloride in vegetative growth.

Biografía del autor/a

Lucas Ferreira de Morais, Universidade Federal de Goiás - Regional Jataí

Engenheiro Florestal - Universidade Federal de Jataí (UFJ), Jataí (GO), Brasil.

Wendy Carniello Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Jataí - UFJ

Docente do Curso de Engenharia Florestal da Universidade Federal de Jataí (UFJ), Jataí (GO), Brasil.

Francielly Rodrigues Gomes, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP/FCAV

Discente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) na Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP/FCAV), Jaboticabal (SP), Brasil.

Edésio Fialho dos Reis, Universidade Federal de Jataí - UFJ

Docente do Curso de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal de Jataí (UFJ), Jataí (GO), Brasil.

Daniela Pereira Dias, Universidade Federal de Jataí - UFJ

Docente do Curso de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal de Jataí (UFJ), Jataí (GO), Brasil

Danielle Fabíola Pereira da Silva, Universidade Federal de Jataí - UFJ

Docente do Curso de Agronomia da Universidade Federal de Jataí (UFJ), Jataí (GO), Brasil.


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Cómo citar

Morais, L. F. de, Ferreira, W. C. ., Gomes, F. R., Reis, E. F. dos, Dias, D. P., & Silva, D. F. P. da. (2021). Doses of limestone, phosphorus and potassium on the initial development of Anacardium humile seedlings. Revista Em Agronegócio E Meio Ambiente, 14(4), 1037–1043.



Meio Ambiente