Use of telecare for chronic pain education: suitability and feasibility study

Uso do teleatendimento para educação em dor crônica: estudo de adequação e viabilidade

Keywords: Chronic pain, Health education, Primary health care, Telemedicine


Chronic pain is a public health problem that has prompted the search for an effective pain management method. To assess the implementation of the "EducaDor" online self-management program for chronic pain in the National Health System (SUS in Portuguese). This is a qualitative study conducted with researchers and undergraduate students enrolled in the EducaDor program of a public state university. A structured questionnaire was applied through interviews, and thematic analysis was used to analyze the findings. Thirteen interviews were conducted, which underscored the program’s potential to provide health education for primary health care users. In addition, the delivery format of the program facilitates user access to treatments, thereby lowering costs. The EducaDor program has the potential for implementation, contributing to the development of digital health in the Brazilian public health system.

Author Biographies

Milena Andrade, Midwest State University
Graduated in Physiotherapy from the State University of the Center-West/UNICENTRO. Postgraduate student in Neonatal and Pediatric Physiotherapy at Faculdade de Integração do Certão (FIS). Master's student in Nanosciences in Biosciences at the State University of the Center West (Unicentro).
Cintia Raquel Bim, Midwest State University
Physiotherapist, PhD in Public Health. GRADUATE in Physiotherapy from the Centro Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR (2001), SPECIALIZATION in Physiotherapy in Neurology from the Universidade Norte do Paraná - UNOPAR (2003), MASTER'S DEGREE in Health Sciences from the State University of Maringá - UEM (2007), DOCTORATE in Public Health from the State University of Londrina - UEL (2019). Professor at the State University of the Center-West-UNICENTRO, Guarapuava-PR, since 2002. Member of the state session of the Brazilian Association of Teaching in Physiotherapy - ABENFISIO- Paraná. Leader of the Physiotherapy Study Center Research Group since 2009. Area tutor of the Multidisciplinary Residency Program in Primary Care with an emphasis on Family Health at UNICENTRO. She has experience in the area of ​​Neurofunctional Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy in Primary Care and the Pilates method. He currently works in Neurofunctional Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy in Primary Care, Physiotherapy and Public Health and Teaching in Health Physiotherapy and the Pilates Method.
Heloisa Schoefel Simão, Midwest State University
Physiotherapy course student
Lainy Franciely Lich Vier, Midwest State University
Graduate in Physiotherapy.
Sibele de Andrade Melo Knaut, Midwest State University
Graduated in Physiotherapy from the Tuiuti University of Paraná, master and doctor in biomedical sciences - rehabilitation option, from the Université de Montréal, Canada. Collaborating professor at the State University of the Central-West of Paraná (UNICENTRO) from 2012 to 2017. Academic director of Faculdade Inspirar from 2018 to 2019. She is currently an assistant professor at UNICENTRO-Department of Physiotherapy. She has experience in the area of ​​Neurofunctional Physiotherapy, working mainly on the following topics: assessment and treatment of individuals with neurological disorders, motor behavior, physiotherapy in the assessment and treatment of neuropathic pain, sensory stimulation in improving voluntary movement and transcranial stimulation. Vice-president of ABRAFIN (management 2014-2017). President Director of ABRAFIN management 2017-2020. Member and Delegate of Paraná of ​​the Brazilian Association of Neurofunctional Physiotherapy - ABRAFIN ( Member of the Executive Committee of the International Neurological Physical Therapy Association - INPA. Co-Editor of "Somatosensory Pain Rehabilitation".
Marina Pegoraro Baroni, Central-West State University and City University of São Paulo
He has a degree in Physiotherapy from the State University of Western Paraná (2004), a specialization in Physiotherapy in Orthopedics, Traumatology and Sports from Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná (2006) and a master's degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Paraná (2008). He is currently a professor at the State University of the Center-West (Unicentro), working in the Department of Physiotherapy. He has experience in the area of ​​Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, with an emphasis on Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, working mainly on the following topics: scoliosis, chronic pain, pain education and Pilates.
Bruno Tirotti Saragiotto, City University of São Paulo
CNPq research productivity scholarship level 2. PhD from the School of Public Health, The University of Sydney, Australia, Master in Physiotherapy from Universidade Cidade de São Paulo and graduated in Physiotherapy from Centro Universitário São Camilo. He is currently a permanent professor at the Masters and Doctorate Program at the Universidade Cidade de São Paulo, honorary researcher at the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health, The University of Sydney and a collaborating researcher at the Center for Pain, Health and Lifestyle ( He serves as an associate editor for the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy and the Cochrane Collaboration. Co-leader of the collaboration network for young researchers (, member of the Pain Research group ( and co-creator of the PEDrinho blog, linked to the PEDro physiotherapy database. The current focus of his research is on interventions for chronic pain, particularly remote interventions and the use of health technology. Bruno has published more than 100 scientific articles in national and international journals (including editorials and letters to the editor) as well as citations in guidelines of clinical practice (ISI H index: 22, Scopus: 22, GScholar: 25). One of his studies was named by the Annals of Internal Medicine as one of the 8 most important studies in the world in 2016.


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