Physical activity level, screen time and sleep duration according to sociodemographic data of students
Adolescents, Sedentary behavior, Sleep, School healthAbstract
This study aimed to compare physical activity levels, sleep duration and screen time with sociodemographic factors in adolescents in 95 students aged between 14 and 18 years. Adolescents answered sociodemographic questionnaire, Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents and self-reported questions about screen time and sleep duration. The Mann-Whitney U Test was applied. It was observed that 80% of the adolescents did not follow the recommendations for physical activity levels, 54.7% for sleep duration, and 77.9% for screen time. Males presented higher physical activity levels than girls, students attending the afternoon shift presented more sleeping hours on weekdays and participants with higher family income showed higher screen time and lower sleep duration on weekdays. It was concluded that from the studied adolescents, sociodemographic factors such as sex, study shift and family income influence physical activity levels, sleep duration and screen time of students.Downloads
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