Preparation Analyses of the Physical Education Teacher about Teaching Elementary School Children Victims of Cerebral Palsy in Order to Have School Inclusion
Professor de Educação Física, Inclusão Escolar, Paralisia Cerebral.Abstract
This studies analyzed how prepared the Physical Education (P.E.) teachers are to act at the inclusion of children with cerebral palsy in the elementary school years. The studies had been characterized as a describe research, in witch had been applied a series of questions to find out the specific knowledge of the P.E. teacher about cerebral palsy. The study was done with fifty P.E. teachers in the city of Maringa-PR, both of gender, choose by disposability of participation, been thirty-four from the municipal net, eleven from the county net and five from the private schools net. The personal identity off all participants has been preserved. The results has cleared show that even with necessity of other studies to prove, the teachers still are not fully prepared to work with children with cerebral palsy including in their classes.Downloads
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How to Cite
Barbosa, C. P., Cezario, A. C. F., & Bento, N. D. (2009). Preparation Analyses of the Physical Education Teacher about Teaching Elementary School Children Victims of Cerebral Palsy in Order to Have School Inclusion. Saúde E Pesquisa, 2(3). Retrieved from
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