Space and time ruled by the heavens, from the perspective of Indigenes
Indigenous School Education, Decolonialization, Time and SpaceAbstract
Current study discusses other types of knowledge related to time and space from productions authored by indigenous teachers in school materials aimed for indigenous schools. Other epistemological fields are discussed to investigate the issue of indigenous knowledge as a way to preserve and maintain cultural practices and knowledge. This movement proposes a process of decoloniality of knowledge, or rather, knowledge and cultures from sources which are different from those produced in the West. The investigation brings about problematizations on Brazilian indigenous school education and on the role of resistance movements, such as Ethnomathematics, in its teaching, and the dissemination of the production of authorship developed by indigenous teachers. Due to the large number of ethnicities, each with its own specificity and established in different Brazilian states, the materials brought by the research portray narratives and knowledge of various indigenous peoples, highlighting the richness of these communities.References
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