Problems in the Teaching of Dancing: Preliminary Appropriations of Bourdieu´s Theory

  • Eder Fernando Nascimento CEP
Keywords: Teaching of Dancing, Symbolic Power, Bourdieu´s Theory.


The importance of Pierre Bourdieu´s theory and its implications in a research on the teaching of dancing in the state of Paraná is provided. The issues underlying current research deal with tension relationships in the school and among teachers, students and family, coupled to explanations for the understanding of the limitations in acknowledging the dance as an area of knowledge within the teaching of the Arts. Discussions are undertaken on the limitations and possibilities for the acknowledgement of the teaching of dancing in the state of Paraná.

Author Biography

Eder Fernando Nascimento, CEP
Mestrando em Educação pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná – PUCPR; E-mail:
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